Arizona Capitol Reports Staff//May 26, 2006//[read_meter]
Per diem has been reduced.
It’s hot outside.
Need to get on the road and gather signatures for reelection.
Leaders and governor still bickering over budget and immigration.
When are we going to get out of here?
Such notes could well have been entered into the diaries of Arizona legislators this week as they completed the 137th day of a session that leaders had hoped to adjourn in 82 days.
While the dog days of the session boil down to negotiations among party leaders and the governor over the state budget and an immigration bill and little floor action, rank and file legislators are left with time on their hands to do other things.
“I’m helping my ex-husband’s congressional campaign and, oh, yes, working to get myself reelected so that I can do this all over again,” said Sen. Toni Hellon, R-26.
Rep. Russ Jones, R-24, says he’s preparing for budget debates and is missed in Yuma.
“While lingering lavishly on the $20 per diem, I occupy my time answering e-mails inquiring why I’m still here, explaining to my wife and business partners why I’m not home taking care of their business…”
Rep. David Bradley, D-28, says he’s doing math.
“I keep hearing that the majority has 31 votes for a budget in the House,” he said. “So I spend my time figuring out the new number line: one, two, three, four, five, six, thirty-one.”
Many legislators say the waning days of the session afford them the time to catch up on e-mails and other office paperwork and others say they’re still busy with constituent issues. Still another says she trying to keep from going crazy.
“Eating dark chocolate to prevent myself from going insane,” said Rep. Amanda Aguirre, D-24. “It is good for the heart and soul.”
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