
Your Arizona Corporation Commission vote will impact public health, your wallet

Will Humble Guest Commentary//October 11, 2024//[read_meter]

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Your Arizona Corporation Commission vote will impact public health, your wallet

Will Humble Guest Commentary//October 11, 2024//[read_meter]

When you think about public health, you probably don’t immediately think about the Arizona Corporation Commission. But the reality is that the decisions made by the Commission have a profound impact on public health and your family’s finances.

Will Humble

The Connection Between Utility Rates & Health

Utility costs aren’t just a financial issue—they’re a public health issue. Skyrocketing electricity bills have a direct impact not just on a family’s ability to keep their house cool but on their ability to pay all the other household bills important for family health and development.

In recent years, the ACC has been quick to approve almost every rate increase requested by utilities, despite concerns that this puts undue financial stress on families.

These rate hikes make it harder for many Arizonans to afford their energy bills, forcing tough decisions about where to cut costs. For some, it means skipping out on medications or buying cheaper, less healthy food.

It’s essential that ACC candidates prioritize consumer health over industry profits. The commissioners—and the staff they hire to conduct analysis—should be focused on keeping energy affordable so families can live in healthy, safe environments, not just industry profits.

Air Quality & Health

Decisions made by the ACC also directly affect Arizona’s air quality, which has a big impact on public health. Air pollution, particularly from energy production, is linked to respiratory issues like asthma and other chronic lung diseases.

Recent decisions, like creating loopholes in utility environmental review requirements have allowed utilities to bypass critical environmental checks. This means more pollutants in the air affecting communities near energy production sites.

Clean Energy & Public Health

Another major area where the ACC’s decisions influence public health is via clean energy development. Transitioning to renewable energy sources like solar doesn’t just help fight climate change—it directly affects public health by reducing air pollution.

Sadly, decisions made by the Commission in recent years suggest they’ve been more interested in protecting the interests of traditional utility companies than pushing for clean energy innovation. Instead, recent ACC decisions have been far too willing to approve fossil fuel-based projects that contribute to pollution.

Industry Influence Over the ACC

One of my biggest concerns in recent years is that the Commission appears to have been “captured” by the industries they’re supposed to regulate. From approving rate hikes to loosening environmental review standards, the commission prioritizes utility company profits over the health and financial well-being of Arizonans.

When utility companies can count on the commission to approve nearly every request they ask for, it creates a dangerous cycle where public health takes a backseat to industry interests and investors.

Your Vote Matters

When you cast your vote for Arizona Corporation commissioners, you’re voting for people who will make decisions that directly affect your family’s health and well-being.

The Arizona Public Health Association urges you to pay close attention to candidates’ histories and their commitment to protecting public health—because the decisions made by the ACC will have far-reaching impacts on Arizona’s communities and families.

The Arizona Corporation Commission’s decisions may not always make front-page news, but they profoundly shape our daily lives. From the air we breathe to the electricity bills we pay; we need the commission to protect the public interest—not just industry profits.

Do your homework and research on candidates for the Corporation Commission Arizona. Your family’s and your community’s well-being are on the line.

Will Humble is the Executive Director of the Arizona Public Health Association and former Director of the Arizona Department of Health Services (2009-2015). You can follow him on X at @willhumble_az



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