Recent Articles from Arizona Capitol Reports Staff
New AG could scrutinize Arpaio sweeps
Immigration sweeps conducted by Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio's office could be in for greater federal scrutiny under the incoming Obama administration's Justice Department. Criminal justice experts say President-elect Obama's […]
Cronkite/Eight Poll: Arizonans likely to spend less this holiday season
Adding to the bleak outlook for holiday sales, a Cronkite/Eight Poll released Nov. 25 found that more than half of Arizonans expect to spend less than last year."Our poll really bears […]
Burns says special session likely in mid-December
A special legislative session to bridge at least part of a $1.2 billion budget gap could be called before Christmas, the next Senate president told a civic group. Senate President-elect […]
Only known SCA member snubs investigator’s demands
Fox refuses to give up names, says group not bound by campaign finance laws
McCain appears in Phoenix, touts new jobs for Napolitano, Brewer
Sen. John McCain spoke on a variety of topics – including his losing presidential bid – during a news conference Nov. 25 at his Phoenix headquarters. Gov. Janet Napolitano and […]
MacNeil-Lehrer: Journalists should distinguish work from bloggers, etc.
With the Internet allowing anyone to distribute information widely, traditional journalists haven't done enough to highlight how their work is different from blogs and citizen journalism, two leading news broadcasters […]
State unemployment at highest level in nearly six years
Arizona's unemployment rate reached 6.1 percent in October, the highest level in nearly six years, as the retail industry experienced a slowdown not seen since the recession of 1982, the […]
Weiers hospitalized briefly
Arizona Speaker of the House Jim Weiers was hospitalized earlier this month for complications related to a digestive disorder known as diverticulitis. The Phoenix Republican, 55, was admitted Nov. 16 […]
Quelland disputes claims in complaint, hires attorney
District 10 Representative-elect Doug Quelland has hired an attorney and is rejecting a claim that he violated state election law, according to a written response to state election officials. A […]
McCain to appear in Phoenix
Sen. John McCain, fresh from his failed bid for president, will make an appearance in Phoenix at his campaign headquarters Nov. 25, according to state campaign officials. McCain will hold […]
Attorney General investigating SCA contributions to GOP
The state attorney general is investigating allegations that the Arizona Republican Party broke campaign finance laws by failing to identify who provided $105,000 in contributions after the secretary of state […]
Voter registration effort focused on youth
We are writing to thank the Arizona Capitol Times for covering nonpartisan youth voter registration and participation leading up to Election Day.As you are aware, in the months leading up […]