Recent Articles from Arizona Capitol Reports Staff
MPAC study: Phoenix not on world radar
Blending In • Thomas Sevcik of international consulting firm Arthesia walked among the crowd during his presentation to community leaders and friends of the arts at the Repositioning Greater Phoenix... […]
Lawmakers push awareness of animal homelessness
Homeless Animals • Rep. Chad Campbell, D-14, pokes his finger into a dog cage during a tour of the Maricopa County Animal Care and Control Center during a tour on... […]
U.S. Mint releases Arizona state quarter
Arizona Keepsake • Chloe Craft, 3, of Phoenix, shows off her shiny new Arizona quarter. The release of Arizona's combo design featuring the Grand Canyon and a Saguaro cactus means... […]
Arizona environmentalist fights to give animals ‘a place to live’
Robin Silver Think of an outspoken environmental advocate, and the name Robin Silver comes to mind. He co-founded the Center for Biological Diversity, which has used the Endangered Species Act... […]
Lawmaker: Economy might force special session to fix ’09 budget
State tax collections dwindling
Blind spot
Eye doctors see problems in Arizona testing for low-vision drivers
237 file for 101 seats in fall election
Hope Springs Eternal • GOP House hopeful and last-day filer Raymond Williams asks Secretary of State Jan Brewer about his nominating petitions. Williams, a candidate in heavily Democratic District 16,... […]
Veepalooza begins for McCain, Obama
As Barack Obama effectively clinched the Democratic nomination this week, winning more than the necessary 2,118 delegates, the favorite Washington parlor game finally shifts from the November pairing to the... […]
A list of Arizona's congressional candidates
The deadline for candidates to file signatures to qualify for the 2008 ballot passed at 5 p.m. on June 4. Following is a list of congressional candidates who file paperwork... […]
A list of Arizona's statewide and legislative candidates
The deadline for candidates to file signatures to qualify for the 2008 ballot passed at 5 p.m. on June 4. Following is a list of Arizona's statewide and legislative candidates... […]
Superdelegate Goddard falls in behind Obama
Arizona Attorney General Terry Goddard, one of the state's 11 superdelegates to the Democratic National Convention, has pledged his support for Sen. Barack Obama. Goddard was one of three Arizona... […]
Obama claims nomination; Clinton hints at VP
WASHINGTON – The Democratic presidential nomination his, Barack Obama reached out June 4 to mend fences with his defeated rival as Republican opponent John McCain tried to frame the fall... […]