Recent Articles from Arizona Capitol Reports Staff
Give it up, abstinence-only not working
It is funny how things work out sometimes, isn’t it? In the Feb. 1 edition of the Arizona Capitol Times, Cathi Herrod wrote a commentary arguing for a continuation of... […]
Eight lawmakers out
Why five senators and three representatives voted against budget fix
YS sniffs out political red herring
Arizona Corporation Commissioner Kris Mayes The political blogosphere is a tricky animal when it comes to accuracy. The Yellow Sheet Report checks out at least 50 such sites daily, just... […]
Governor now must decide on rules bills
Legislators aim to reestablish committee to oversee rules and regulations
UpClose with Keith Maio
National Bank of Arizona CEO discusses real estate, the credit crunch and Bear Stearns
Lawmakers close to approving revisions to employer sanctions
Lawmakers are close to approving revisions to the state’s employer sanctions law. After the measure languished in the Senate for nearly a month, senators have temporarily approved a bill that... […]
Capitol Quotes
"It is not a ballot proposition yet, so my attorney has advised me not to talk." — Phil Sauceman, superintendent of the Mohave Valley Elementary School District, when asked to... […]
Trade and Professional Associations Directory
The first edition of Arizona Capitol Times’ Trade & Professional Associations Directory combines a comprehensive list of the state’s organizations, representing everybody from air conditioning contractors to the Arizona Tourism... […]
Backers of ‘multimodal’ initiative hope to tap new revenue
Coalition seeks one-cent sales tax for transportation
Guest-worker proposal would face ‘20 amendments’
The proposal to set up a guest-worker program in Arizona has drawn fire from Republicans, who say it would undercut local workers and add uncompensated care to the health system.Republicans... […]
The bleeding heart and school choice — a match made in heaven
Students with special needs, such as those with learning disabilities or in foster care, should have access to learning environments best suited to their particular educational requirements.This statement may sound... […]