Recent Articles from Arizona Capitol Reports Staff
Seeking stability
Economic downturn could force lawmakers to consider tax reform
The first 100 days
Slow going, lawmakers say, as session benchmark approaches
Blogs buzz on Bennett announcement, son
Former state Senate President Ken Bennett said he is “very near” announcing whether he will be a candidate for Congress, but is awaiting word from Washington on ethics rules regarding... […]
Backpedalling or enhancing policy?
Lawmakers consider penalty reduction for first-time
The Wednesday ritual: Questioning the governor
Most Wednesday mornings at 10, about a dozen reporters and TV crews parade from the elevator on the 9th floor and wait in anticipation to question a media-friendly governor on... […]
Panel approves plan to take money from voter-approved programs
After limping through the House on a party line vote, a highly contentious referendum to allow lawmakers to siphon protected funds during deficits passed a critical juncture in the Senate... […]
Born in Mexico, Sen. Aguirre adds perspective to immigration debate
Amanda Aguirre’s tale is an American success story. She was born and raised in Sonora, Mexico, migrated to the United States in her 20s, and settled in Arizona in 1987.... […]
Legislators approve $1.2B budget fix for current year
Lawmakers passed a budget fix to bridge an estimated $1.2 billion shortfall for the current fiscal year, utilizing a combination of state agency cuts and fund sweeps. The proposal was... […]
Why five senators said 'no' to budget
Five state senators on April 17 voted against the proposed fix to this year's $1 billion-plus budget hole, a curious mix of Democrats and Republicans who argued the budget measure... […]
Napolitano signs 2008 budget fix
Gov. Janet Napolitano has signed a bill that bridges a $1.2 billion gap in the state's budget using a combination of state agency cuts and fund sweeps. Lawmakers overwhelmingly approved... […]