Recent Articles from Arizona Capitol Reports Staff
Farm Bureau to represent agriculture in sanctions suit
The Arizona Farm Bureau is the latest business organization to join a lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of an employer sanctions law that will take effect in January. Jim Klinker, Chief... […]
Martin will get day in court to challenge Clean Elections
State Treasurer Dean Martin will be allowed to argue in the U.S. District Court in Phoenix that provisions of the Clean Elections Act unfairly coerce candidates into running campaigns with... […]
Kirkpatrick resigns to run for Renzi's seat
Rep. Ann Kirkpatrick, D-2 Rep. Ann Kirkpatrick, D-2, resigned from her legislative office today after announcing she was running for the Congressional seat currently held by Republican Rick Renzi. “I... […]
State Chamber joins fight against sanctions bill
The Arizona Chamber of Commerce and Industry announced July 24 it will join on as a plaintiff in a lawsuit challenging Arizona’s recently passed employer sanctions bill that punishes businesses... […]
Milk it for all it
One-stop shop for electricity, biofuel, dairy products called future of agriculture
Ethanol demand outgrows corn
While corn-based ethanol will help fight U.S. dependence on foreign oil, the fuel is seen as a temporary fix at best, if it is ever embraced on a large scale. Due to its availability, price and several other uses, new sources of biofuel are already being sought out.
Kauai sugar soon to become ethanol
Hawaii imports 100 percent of its ethanol. A sugar plantation owner plans to invest $80 million to change that.
Arizona copper producer is golden for Freeport
If copper prices hold, the $10 billion in remaining debt acquired by mining giant Freeport-McMoRan
Phelps Dodge ups recruiting efforts, incentives
Phelps Dodge is digging through Phoenix, Tucson and El Paso, Texas to find 600 workers for its Arizona mines at Safford and Morenci. A housing slump has compounded problems, including... […]
Legislative accomplishments
This session we tackled bad air, crowded freeways and illegal immigration
The Summer Letdown
Ray Busey, mayor of Phoenix during the In early July of 1947, Phoenix was sizzling. Phoenix had several days of 112 degree temperatures while “Phoenicians, leaving air-cooled buildings for the... […]
State employee volunteers load bus with school supplies
Gov. Janet Napolitano stands behind boxes of crayons and notebooks as she congratulates state employees for a collection drive that brought in thousands of donated school supplies for Arizona schoolchildren.... […]