Recent Articles from Arizona Capitol Reports Staff
Lawmakers deliver immigration message
GOP message State Sen. Karen Johnson, R-18, enters U.S. Sen. Jon Kyl’s Phoenix office today to deliver a letter opposing his support for an immigration bill before Congress. Photo by […]
Capitol Quotes, May 31 2007
Capitol quotes ‘We’ve got a good three weeks before the budget’s done — why not do something that will have an impact on the world≠ We’re spending taxpayer dollars here […]
Results of Pima County sales tax vote disputed
A Pima County Superior Court judge on June 12 will hear arguments to determine if a delay is warranted for a public records dispute between the county’s Democratic Party and […]
Inmate must pay restitution while appealing conviction
A woman imprisoned for fraud and theft is not entitled by court rules of criminal procedure to avoid making restitution payments to victims while she appeals her conviction, the Arizona […]
Lawmakers get one-day break as leaders discuss budget
State lawmakers got a one-day break during the last week of May as their leaders held marathon meetings to reconcile the competing Senate and House budgets. The break came on […]
Fire protection bill for unincorporated areas goes to governor
The Legislature approved a measure to allow non-contiguous county islands to form a fire district, providing a way for thousands of East Valley residents living in unincorporated areas to receive […]
Lawmaker puts spotlight on African nation genocide
Twice in the final weeks of May, one of Arizona’s most liberal lawmakers gave brief floor speeches actually praising President Bush. The United States, Rep. Kyrsten Sinema said, is taking […]
Arizona rejects California power pitch
Saying they won’t hurt Arizona utility customers to benefit Californians, state regulators have rejected a utility’s plan to build a $581 million cross-desert power transmission line to carry electricity generated […]
Downtown Page in 1958
Downtown Page, 1958. If a clever photo editor removed the 1955 Cadillac, the “Parking Area” sign, and the Firestone store’s prominent display of tubeless tires and shiny bicycles, the image […]
House tax relief package also invests in Arizona
At the start of the legislative session, few envisioned that a budget could be crafted that included tax relief for families, a meaningful pay increase for teachers, a new medical […]