Recent Articles from Arizona Capitol Reports Staff
New law allows domestic violence victims to break rental agreements
Sponsor: Bill took years to create, will save lives
Strictly partisan vote lands day laborer bill on governor
A proposal to penalize people who seek jobs by hanging around street corners cleared the Legislature and is on the governor’s desk. The Senate approved the proposal on a strictly... […]
Proposal using inmate wages advances
Funds would be used to expand transition program
Legislation makes federal animal tracking system voluntary
Arizona will not be required to participate in a federal animal identification and tracking system under legislation sent to Governor Napolitano on April 26. In fact, the measure clarifies that... […]
Payday loan measure advances with tight restrictions, no sunset
The House gave preliminary approval April 23 to a measure that would place tight restrictions on payday lenders in exchange for allowing the industry to permanently operate in Arizona, despite... […]
Governor signs compromise emergency powers measure
After vetoing a similar measure last year, Gov. Janet Napolitano signed into a law a bill that prohibits the state from seizing citizens’ weapons during a state of emergency, confirming... […]
Bomb threat overshadows memorial
A bomb threat closed the Capitol for more than three hours on April 20, at the same time the governor and other state executives remembered the shooting victims at Virginia... […]
Campaign launched to help 200,000 apply for citizenship
The first stepLydia Guzman of the Service Employees International Union, left, and Angeles Maldonado of Somos America (We Are America) show part of a packet designed to help people apply... […]
Senate balks at requiring permits for off-highway vehicles
Another push to require owners of off-highway vehicles to pay for a new annual sticker ran out of gas at the Legislature. The Senate on April 26 voted 14-13 for... […]
Arizona inmates in Indiana transferred after riot
Indiana authorities have transferred more than 200 inmates who helped instigate a two-hour riot at a state prison, officials said April 25. The transfers from the New Castle Correctional facility... […]