Recent Articles from Arizona Capitol Reports Staff
Capitol Quotes, April 13 2007
Capitol quotes ‘The last one was the Cadillac plan. This one is the Volkswagen.’ — Rep. David Schapira, D-17, proposing the second of two floor amendments to S1181, which withholds... […]
Payday loans are necessary
The recent article about Rep. Marian McClure’s efforts to ban payday lending is another unfortunate example of a legislator who, in an effort to help her constituents, will end up... […]
Arizona needs a modified NCLB
U.S. Education Secretary Margaret Spellings, who visited Arizona recently, received advice from business leaders and educators at a meeting convened by the Arizona Business & Education Coalition (ABEC) about reauthorization... […]
No one refused to enforce Prop. 100
We need to stop the divisive, unproductive finger-pointing and blame-placing that has not served our community or criminal justice system well. A great deal of publicity has been circulating about... […]
Lawmaker: Bill may have unintended consequences
S1228 could limit tracking of sex offenders
Goddard directs DOE to establish procedures for adult education eligibility
The Arizona Department of Education must establish nondiscriminatory procedures to determine if adults are eligible for education services, according to a legal opinion released by Attorney General Terry Goddard. The... […]
Bill Status: House bills as of 10:45 am April 11
1. Awaits House committee reference or action. 2. Cleared Rules comm; needs House debate &/or vote. 3. Passed House no amendment. TO SENATE 4. Passed House amended. TO SENATE 5.... […]
Bill Status: Senate bills as of 10:45 am April 11
1. Awaits committee reference or action in the Senate. 2. Cleared Rules comm; needs Senate debate &/or vote. 3. Passed Senate; no amendment. TO HOUSE 4. Passed Senate amended. TO... […]
Sheriff probes payment by ex-treasurer
The Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office is investigating whether a $1.9 million payment from the Treasurer’s Office last June to the Attorney General’s Office for legal expenses was made as part... […]
3 childcare nominees in limbo
Three nominees to a recently created state board on childcare were left in limbo after a Republican senator decided not to take action in caucus on April 10. In holding... […]
Judge Gaylord dies in motorcycle crash
A Maricopa County Superior Court judge died April 6 in a motorcycle wreck near Florence. Judge John Gaylord, 50, was killed in a collision on Route 79 with a sports... […]
700 feet or 1,500 feet?
Lawmakers to decide how far sex offenders should be kept from schools, daycare centers