Recent Articles from Arizona Capitol Reports Staff
Lowell Observatory
Percival Lowell records his findings in the late 1890s in his Flagstaff observatory. As a youngster, Percival Lowell read books about astronomy and gazed at the stars through a telescope... […]
Message to Supreme Court on self defense advances
The Arizona Senate sent a clear message to the state Supreme Court on Feb. 15 by approving a measure that says a self-defense justification law enacted last year is retroactive.... […]
Task force to study pending death penalty cases
Arizona Supreme Court Justice Ruth McGregor announced the formation of the Capital Case Task Force on Feb. 12 to address the growing backlog of death penalty cases in Maricopa County.... […]
Payday loan reform unlikely
Major reform of the payday lending industry appears unlikely this year, as proposals from two Republican lawmakers won’t make it out of their respective chambers. Sen. Chuck Gray’s pair of... […]
Senate panels OK measures easing gun use, ownership laws
At least five measures easing rules on gun use and ownership in Arizona have been given preliminary approval in committees, including a proposal to reduce the penalties for bringing a... […]
Senate president proposes break to speed bills to House
The Senate is likely to take a break from committee hearings during the third week of February. Senate President Tim Bee suggested at a Feb. 13 caucus that senators skip... […]
Panel approves proposed ballot measure banning lobbying by government employees
A move to allow Arizona voters to decide whether to ban government employees from seeking to influence state legislators was approved Feb. 15 by the Senate Public Safety and Human... […]
Bills to ease sentences for sex offenses by minors fail
When it comes to crime, the Republican-controlled Arizona Senate appears to be squarely behind the victim, based on most bills approved in committees and others that have been sent to... […]
House fast-tracks Colorado River water pact
The Arizona House on Feb. 12 endorsed a proposed multi-state agreement that allows Arizona, California and Nevada to each retain the rights to the water that each adds through conservation... […]
Legislation on rural water adequacy advances
Bills advancing in the Legislature would authorize counties and municipalities in Arizona’s rural areas to restrict construction of new subdivisions that don’t have assured long-term water supplies. The Senate Natural... […]
Lawmakers move to let Arizonans freeze credit reports
Trying to combat identity theft, state lawmakers are following the lead of other states by pushing legislation to give Arizonans the right to freeze their consumer credit reports. The Senate... […]