Recent Articles from Arizona Capitol Reports Staff
Bill Summaries — HOUSE H 2160-2245
H 2160 WELFARE; CHILD CARE ASSISTANCE; RATES The Department of Economic Security must conduct a market survey for childcare assistance payment rates every two years. Payment to licensed and certified... […]
Bill Summaries — HOUSE H 2246-2319
H 2246 INDUSTRIAL COMMISSION; APPEALS; RECORD New requirement for the Industrial Commission’s appeals board to use a court reporter or electronic device to record proceedings at the Department’s expense. Transcriptions... […]
Bill Summaries — HOUSE H 2320-2392
H 2320 LOAN ORIGINATORS; LICENSURE Beginning January 1, 2009, loan originators must be licensed by the Department of Financial Institutions. To qualify for licensure, a person must complete a class,... […]
Bill Summaries — HOUSE H 2393-2479
H 2393 SPECIAL EDUCATION; SURROGATE PARENTS The Department of Education, instead of the court, appoints surrogate parents to represent a child in decisions about special education. Foster parents meeting federal... […]
Bill Summaries — HOUSE H 2480-2577
H 2480 PROPERTY TAX EXEMPTION; CHARTER SCHOOLS Property and building leased to a charter school is exempt from property tax if the school is organized as a 501(c)(3) corporation and... […]
Bill Summaries — HCM 2001-HCR 2034
HCM 2001 URGE ENACTMENT; DEPARTMENT OF PEACE The Legislature asks Congress to enact legislation establishing a Department of Peace and Nonviolence to “aid our communities in reducing violence.” First Sponsor:... […]
Bill Summaries — SENATE S 1006-1109
S 1006 DOMESTIC VIOLENCE VICTIMS; ADOT RECORDS Persons protected by an order of protection or by an injunction against harassment and victims of domestic violence or stalking are added to... […]
Bill Summaries — SENATE S 1110-SM 1001
S 1110 KINSHIP FOSTER CARE; GRANDPARENTS; APPRO Grandparents who are providing kinship foster care for a grandchild are eligible for cash assistance under the kinship care program. Appropriates $2 million... […]
Student-driven campaign shines light on textbook publishers’ tactics
If Samantha Winter is any indication of how publishers, bookstores and professors could work together to create a positive solution to the nationwide campaign to Make Textbooks Affordable, they might... […]
A publisher’s response
Arizona Capitol Times contacted one of the publishing companies mentioned in the “Required Reading: A Look at the Worst Publishing Tactics at Work” report distributed by the Make Textbooks Affordable... […]
UofA Optical Sciences Building gets nation’s top architectural award
A new building at the University of Arizona has received American architecture’s highest honor. The Meinel Optical Sciences Building was given the American Institute of Architects’ Honor Award. The institute... […]
Republican supports governor’s bond plan for highway construction
A Republican senator has beaten his Democratic counterparts in filing a bill to extend the maturity of highway bonds to 30 years from 20 years. The idea has, in fact,... […]