Recent Articles from Arizona Capitol Reports Staff
Supreme Court rules man who set daughter afire to be re-sentenced
In compliance with a federal ruling, the Arizona Supreme Court on June 6 ordered the re-sentencing of a man sentenced to death for dousing his sleeping 2-year-old daughter with gasoline... […]
Funding flap delays new archives building
Proponents of a new state Library and Archives building say two powerful Republican lawmakers are preventing construction of the building by refusing to provide an extra $8 million in next... […]
Release of immigration plan memo irks McClure
A Tucson Republican is steamed at some of her colleagues for releasing an alternate immigration plan to the press late last month and says she had no idea the memo... […]
Page, colleagues save lawmaker
Ashley Mazur The 17-year-old House page helped to save Rep. Ray Barnes when he suffered a heart attack during session June 5. Cooperation is often a key component of life... […]
Prosector recalls Miranda decision
Bob Corbin The confession, in which a suspect in a crime admits to his deeds, was at the heart of the U.S. Supreme Court decision in 1966 that affirmed the... […]
GOP candidates assail Napolitano on veto
Republican gubernatorial candidates criticized Democratic Governor Napolitano for her veto June 6 of a bill against illegal immigration. Len Munsil said Ms. Napolitano “has once again demonstrated she cannot be... […]
Tucson lawyer disbarred for conflict of interest violations
The Arizona Supreme Court has disbarred a Tucson attorney who surrendered his license last year. The court moved to disbar Mark S. Clark after the Massachusetts Supreme Court disbarred him... […]
Nothing wrong with proving citizenship to vote
I do not understand what the big problem is with showing the voter registration people proof that you are U.S. citizen and that you legally live in the state where... […]
Michael C. Cudahy Criminal Justice Award
Honor named for attorney who
Tom Karas Indigent Defense Award
Honor named for U.S. attorney who was always