Recent Articles from Arizona Capitol Reports Staff
Senator plaintiff in federal lawsuit to ban mercury fillings
Sen. Karen Johnson, R-18, a long-time opponent of metal dental fillings, is a plaintiff in a federal lawsuit demanding that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration either ban mercury fillings... […]
Napolitano lawyers dispute suit challenging line-item veto
Governor Napolitano’s attorneys have filed a response to a lawsuit filed in March, saying the Legislature doesn’t have standing to bring the suit and she did not violate the Constitution... […]
Long-time Republican Hawley Atkinson remembered
Friends, acquaintances and the Legislature remembered John Hawley Atkinson, a long-time Republican figure in Arizona, as a deep-thinking, problem-solving and humble man. Arizona lawmakers passed a resolution noting his death,... […]
ER bill pronounced dead by governor
Backers of ill-fated measure say election politics behind veto
Supreme Court explains ruling supporting ouster of lawmaker
Nearly 14 weeks after affirming the decisions of two lower courts that a lawmaker should be removed from office for violating campaign finance laws, the Arizona Supreme Court released an... […]
Legislature approves bill to address ER malpractice reform
Legislation to raise the bar of proof of medical malpractice by emergency room physicians was on life support a couple of weeks ago, but survived opposition and has gone to... […]
Federal judge scraps English learner law
Horne says ruling has no effect, awaits results of appeal
Up Close with Constantin Querard, political consultant
He prefers to be called a
GOP club at Tucson school gains some members after controversial speech
Something good has happened since the outcry after a speech given by a co-founder of the United Farm Workers Union at a Tucson public high school, says a teacher who... […]