Recent Articles from Arizona Capitol Reports Staff
Ranchers, farmers step up efforts to defeat proposed animal initiative
A coalition of ranching and agricultural groups is intensifying efforts to educate residents about Arizona’s $9 billion agriculture industry and to urge defeat of a proposed initiative they say is... […]
Budget talks with governor loom
Senate president says Napolitano spending plan too high
Upclose with Rep. Laura Knaperek
Tempe Republican focuses on tax cuts, improving education opportunities
Goldwater promises actions at the border
Gubernatorial candidate picks up support from lawmakers
Congressman Flake says GOP could be headed for minority status
Congressman Jeff Flake continued his crusade to reform the way the Republican Party does business in Washington and beyond in a speech April 12 as part of the Arizona Chamber... […]
Mexico holds up oil refinery deal, Clean Fuels spokeman says
Plans to build the first American oil refinery in 30 years are in a holding pattern, as the developer seeks a long-term crude oil supplier and investors for the site... […]
Is Hispanic voter upsurge coming?
Activist says most marchers were American citizens nearing voting age
Lawmaker wants school district to explain why lecturer was allowed to bash Republicans
School is no more the place for students to be told that Republicans hate Latinos anymore than it is the place to teach kids that Democrats hate Christians, a Tucson... […]
Marcher Martin Garcia:
Martin Garcia was sitting in the shadows as crowds were gathering at the Capitol early afternoon on April 10. Mr. Garcia has been living in the shadows for 15 years.... […]
All is quiet; lawmaker still worried
Late in the afternoon, Sen. Ron Gould, R-3, says he is still concerned that trouble could break out as tens of thousands of protestors for liberal immigration laws arrive at... […]