Recent Articles from Arizona Capitol Reports Staff
What’s the ‘poop’ at the Capitol≠
Agency spends thousands dealing with pigeon droppings
Special Capitol March Coverage – for march photos click on "photo gallery" on upper left.
The Arizona Capitol Times will cover Monday’s immigration march at the Capitol. For photographs, uploaded hourly, and to read interviews with lawmakers, marchers and those at state agencies and businesses... […]
What’s the ‘poop’ at the Capitol≠ (3510)
Agency spends thousands dealing with pigeon droppings
Immigration solution — Mexican freedom
I came to Arizona in 1967 to fly for the Air Force at Williams Air Force Base, now called Williams Gateway. During the next five years I frequently had occasion... […]
Removing kids from homes won’t keep them safe
Arizona’s children have endured several years of child welfare policy based on myth. It is time for a reality check. Myth: Removing children from their homes when in doubt of... […]
Conservation issues are about quality of life — not conservative, not liberal
What about conservation does the Legislature not get≠ Some would say “everything.” Unfortunately, a significant majority of the Arizona Legislature has decided to either ignore or be openly hostile to... […]
Tucson Republican named to Clean Elections panel
Secretary of State Jan Brewer has announced the appointment of a new member to the Citizens Clean Elections Commission to replace Clark Dierks, who recently resigned due to health concerns.... […]
Plane update
Clean Elections settles on new rules for transportation costs
Upclose with Len Munsil, GOP gubernatorial candidate
‘I’m in this to win,’ Reagan conservative says