Recent Articles from The Associated Press
Analysis: Romney losses show conservative woes
Mitt Romney just can't shake his difficulty attracting conservatives. And that reality is undercutting his effort to cast himself as the inevitable Republican presidential nominee and prolonging a race that each day exposes deep divisions within the party.
Senate committee to hear resolution to dismantle redistricting commission
An Arizona Senate committee on Wednesday is to consider a Republican proposal to put redistricting back in the hands of state lawmakers and the governor.
Yavapai County turning high tech to ID inmates
The Yavapai County Sheriff's Office is moving out of the fingerprint-identification era and into iris scanning technology.
Brewer files SB1070 appeal in Supreme Court
Lawyers for Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer filed their opening brief with the U.S. Supreme Court in her appeal of a ruling that blocked enforcement of the most controversial sections of the state's immigration enforcement law.
Ariz. House passes reporting of missing kids bill
The House has approved so-called "Caylee's Law" bill inspired by the Casey Anthony case in Florida.
Deadline set for talks in Arpaio’s rights case
An April 14 deadline has been set for lawyers for Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio and the U.S. Department of Justice to complete their attempt to resolve allegations that the sheriff's office has committed a wide range of civil rights violations.
Feds, Arpaio’s lawyers meet over civil rights case
Lawyers for Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio and the U.S. Department of Justice are meeting Monday in Phoenix in a bid to resolve allegations that the sheriff's office has committed a wide range of civil rights violations.
Monday is deadline to introduce bills in AZ House
Monday is the deadline for Arizona House members to introduce bills and other legislation for consideration in the current regular session.
Judge overturns Arizona pension law change
A judge has struck down an Arizona law that increased the amount state employees must contribute toward their pensions as unconstitutional.
Bill would raise high school dropout age
A state legislator wants to decrease the high school dropout rate by making sure students stay in school until they're 18 years old.
April 25 hearing set on Arizona immigration law
The U.S. Supreme Court will hear arguments on Arizona's immigration enforcement law on April 25, in the last such hearing of the high court's current term.
GOP incumbent ready for AZ’s Quayle
Arizona Rep. David Schweikert is preparing to take on fellow Republican Rep. Ben Quayle in a primary fight, even as Quayle struggles to decide in which district to run.