Recent Articles from Guest Opinion
Easter offends the overly-sensitive, but not the Constitution
Reasonable people can of course differ on whether or in what manner our officials should acknowledge religious holidays and traditions in their public comments. But not every political dispute is a constitutional question, and such disagreements are best addressed through the democratic means of discussion and debate – not unilaterally settled by unelected judges.
Legislators need to support KidsCare
Every day, we hear about threats to the health and happiness of Arizona’s children. We can’t fix every one of the problems, but we can easily protect our children’s access to health care through the KidsCare insurance program.
Vacation bill doesn’t go far enough
I’ve seen colleagues grow from scrappy startups to thriving companies, but I’ve also seen communities hit by scandals and heartbreaks. I want newcomers to know that they are welcome in the vacation rental market, but that we need to share standards of excellence to ensure the continuing success of our industry. Our local governments need to make better rules so that we can all set the bar high[...]
Is it really drought contingency or a missed opportunity?
Who could have anticipated that there would be reduced flows in the Colorado River and that the water levels in Lake Mead would drop?
Drought contingency plan evokes astonishment, buys time
When Congress passed legislation on April 8 authorizing the secretary of the Interior to sign the Drought Contingency Plan crafted by the Colorado River Basin states, the immediate reaction from nearly everyone could fairly be described as “astonishment.”
Media twists Yuma mayor’s call for state of emergency
On April 16, 2019, Mayor Douglas Nicholls of Yuma declared a state of emergency due to the increased number of illegal immigrants seeking asylum in Yuma. His statements have been turned into sensationalized headlines for almost every major news outlet in Arizona and the U.S.
One-sided report on Planned Parenthood lawsuit
I am writing to express my disappointment with the Arizona Capitol Times’ one-sided article published April 12, “Planned Parenthood files to overturn AZ abortion laws.”
Let’s protect Arizona’s youth from health risks of e-cigarettes
Early morning of the last day of the 2013 session, the Arizona House voted through a Senate bill that allegedly would protect our youth from e-cigarettes.
Results-based funding will help Maryvale students
When I think about Maryvale, I think about family and celebration.
Please pass texting while driving ban
As cars got faster and heavier, we came to understand how to more safely use these advancements by adopting laws to promote public safety through personal responsibility.
The aiding and abetting of migrant caravans
The crisis at the southern border is no accident. It’s the intentional result of deliberate efforts by liberal activists to encourage illegal immigration on a massive scale.
Driving under the influence of electronics needs to stop!
According to the most recent 2017 study by the Arizona Department of Transportation, a person was killed every 8 hours and 46 minutes in a traffic collision on our roads.