Recent Articles from Katie Campbell
Teachers swarm Capitol, demand 20 percent pay hike
Save Our Schools Arizona is not only gearing up for a possible referendum on whatever lawmakers may replace existing voucher expansion legislation with but also for a potential initiative to address public education funding shortfalls.
Voucher expansion up for negotiation in Legislature
With all legal recourse exhausted, school choice advocates are weighing their legislative options to expand the state’s voucher program even as a referendum that could thwart their efforts looms.
Sen. Miranda cleared in probe of signature gathering
The Arizona Attorney General’s Office will not pursue criminal charges related to alleged petition signature fraud against Sen. Catherine Miranda, according to a letter from Assistant Attorney General Todd Lawson.
DOC director blames private provider for health care failures
With potential sanctions for his agency’s failure to meet court-ordered prison health care standards looming, Arizona Department of Corrections Director Charles Ryan laid the blame largely at the feet of private contractor Corizon Correctional Healthcare.
Regents president Eileen Klein to step down as she meets personal goals at helm
In a statement released Monday, Klein gave no clear timeline for her departure or next moves, saying only that she would be leaving her position later this year “to take some time off before deciding what my next adventure will be.”
The Breakdown, Episode 11: Where do we even begin?
Last week, the Capitol was abuzz with everything from talk of criminal justice reform to how to fund Arizona's public education system - and that's just the beginning.
State high court says vote on voucher expansion can proceed
The justices affirmed Maricopa County Superior Court Judge Margaret Mahoney’s January ruling that state law at the time Proposition 305 was filed did not allow individuals to challenge petition drives.
The Breakdown: Spring break Thanks for listening to The Breakdown! We’re taking a break this week. But you can come back on March 26 for our next episode. Get 24/7 political news […]
No card needed for visitors, new residents to use medical marijuana
Out-of-state visitors and new residents may possess and use medical marijuana if recommended by a physician under another state’s laws, the Arizona Court of Appeals ruled.
Darcy Olsen: A new generation of justice for foster kids
Even after seven years as a foster parent, Darcy Olsen still gets teary eyed talking about the children who have come into her life. Not just for those the system has failed but also for the success stories.
The Breakdown, Episode 10: Pardon me
Pardon the noise - the soothing sounds of Capitol traffic are back this week, but so are our reporters with the latest.
Bill to force schools to sell buildings to charters sparks debate
The will of taxpayers is being evoked by both sides in the debate over a bill that would require school districts to sell property to charter or private schools when they are the highest bidders.