No one should have to die trying to join a fraternity
Jack's Law, named after an Arizona State University freshman who died after drinking excessive amounts of alcohol while pledging a fraternity, makes hazing illegal in Arizona.
Study committee underscores solutions for rental crisis
Finding more effective ways to help renters in need should be a key element of the community conversation surrounding the state’s housing supply crisis. So should pushing cities and towns to stop falling prey to the rampant NIMBYism driving many recent housing and zoning decisions
Trump mobilizing mob after FBI’s Mar-a-Lago search, threatening democracy
Former President Donald Trump is actively organizing an alternative to legitimate government power—a large, violent mob mobilized to intimidate government officials and thwart their objectives.
Hiring people with disabilities is good for business, good for Arizona
People with disabilities have long been underrepresented or excluded from the workforce based on employers’ low expectations and prejudiced bias about abilities. As CEO of an Arizona-based organization that promotes opportunity and inclusion for individuals with intellectual disabilities, I can tell you that things are looking up, but there is still more to do.
Quality education and opportunities for the Latino community
There's a growing group of K-12 students who are missing out on the education they need and deserve. Where do we find the fastest growing dropout rate of K-12 students relative to their peers? Latino students.
English exam singles out massage therapists, hurts immigrants
Unfortunately, the Arizona State Board of Massage Therapy, which regulates the industry, has set standards beyond the reach of most immigrants and international students.
Congress must stop anti-tech legislation that will hurt small businesses
After years of digital advertising success, I'm perplexed that some in Congress are trying to pass the American Innovation and Choice Online Act (S. 2992/AICOA), which targets companies like Google, Facebook, and Amazon that help small businesses grow.
Pro-life advocates decided for the fetus, not protecting women
An oft refrain of the forced pregnancy crowd is that they didn’t seek to attack the pregnant woman but to help her. Reality has exposed that lie.
Answering the problem of teacher attrition in America
Teacher shortages are hardly new, but Covid has accelerated resignations at a rate that is dramatically outpacing other professions.
Universal voucher system is ‘highway robbery’
In the eleventh hour of this legislative session, Republican majority lawmakers delivered a massive blow to Arizona voters by passing recently rejected universal Empowerment Scholarship Account (ESA) vouchers.
Solutions needed to address early learning crisis
A single early education issue is costing Arizona $1.8 billion per year, threatening our state’s economic recovery and potentially putting thousands of kids at risk for educational failure: the ongoing childcare crisis.
Public universities unlock solutions to diverse global challenges
As students return to campus, it’s a worthy reminder that educating and readying them for society and the workplace will always be the central mission of Arizona State University, Northern Arizona University and the University of Arizona. But these institutions are now called upon to do much more than simply teach students.