Despite Biden failure, don’t forget what another Trump administration will look like
Dear Editor: BIDEN FAILED ALL OF US IN HIS DEBATE, BUT ARE YOU READY FOR ANOTHER TRUMP PRESIDENCY OF: *Lies and misinformation for 4 more years *A National Abortion Ban... […]
New off-highway vehicle law, a step for child safety
Arizona's new OHV law is a crucial step in the right direction. By requiring safety courses, enforcing helmet use, prohibiting alcohol, and holding parents accountable, the state is prioritizing the safety of its children and teens. It's a move that I, as a personal injury attorney and a father, wholeheartedly support.
Will AZ congressman increase health care costs?
Eliminating PBMs would cost Arizona seniors and consumers thousands of dollars, making accessing critical life-saving drugs even more challenging to come by, no matter what some wolf in sheep’s clothing Big Pharma “opponents” may say.
Beyond bars and walls – rebuilding lives through technology
My story is a testament to the struggles and opportunities that come with the journey of reentry. By enabling access to affordable technology that allows individuals to stay in touch with the world, we can create an environment that’s both safer and more equitable and put ourselves on a path toward lower recidivism in all our communities.
We need collaboration over cynicism to solve groundwater challenges
I don’t know what the future holds for all the work we accomplished in the past year, but the Arizona Farm Bureau will continue to stay engaged and vigilant on behalf of Arizona’s farm and ranch families. I agree with others who have said that we are very close – mostly due to the enormous concessions agriculture has made.
Inconspicuous bill brings relief for rural families, students
The legislation now awaits action by Gov. Katie Hobbs. My hope – really, our hope – is that Hobbs will recognize the rare bipartisan support for this bill, realize the merits of this legislation, and give it her signature. It’s just the right thing to do.
Export-Import Bank celebrates its 90th anniversary
EXIM will continue to dream of a future where American ingenuity lights the way. A future where small businesses rise to become global giants under the supportive policies of the Biden-Harris administration and where partnerships forged by EXIM bind the world together in shared prosperity.
Arizona lawmakers keep trying to make it harder for government officials to manage public money
Local governments should be able to determine what’s best for their communities whether it be expanding bus systems, preventing fires, or mitigating floods. Fiduciary officers should be entrusted to assess investment options on their merits without the interference of state lawmakers. Treasurers and other financial officers across the state must urge Arizona policymakers to protect our freedom t[...]
Keeping people who are here illegally from voting preserves election integrity
The right to vote is a sacred right given to U.S. citizens. It is incumbent upon us to ensure the integrity of our electoral process. The future of our republic depends on our vigilance and our unwavering commitment to protecting the right to vote for every American citizen.
K-12 funding formula works if adequately funded
The current funding formula is not the problem. The lack of sufficient funding that keeps the state ranked last and does not adequately address the needs of ALL students is the problem.
Fix critical health care program for the needy
Now that we’ve identified the problems, it is time for Congress to come up with an answer. Fortunately, there are several bills aimed at bringing greater regulatory oversight and federal guidance to the 340b program. They’ve been introduced before but have unfortunately fallen victim to special interests which thrive in the current ambiguity of the system. My hope is that there is momentum[...]
Voters will have their say in November on border measure
When faced with a significant crisis, it is crucial for elected leaders to act decisively. This is exactly what the Arizona Legislature did by passing HCR2060, known as the “Secure... […]