House balks at expanding ID protection
Bill requires only Maricopa County to erase Social Security numbers from online public records
‘Arizona Highways’ outsources 8 jobs in catalog sales, customer service
Arizona Highways magazine is eliminating eight jobs by outsourcing the handling of catalog merchandise and subscription orders by phone. Win Holden, Arizona Highways publisher, said the cost savings could be […]
Flap over UofA medical school in Phoenix called ‘political’
The lawyer who negotiated a deal for the University of Arizona and Banner Health to enter into a partnership to build a hospital for a Phoenix medical school campus says […]
Budget talk — Senate brings Democrats to the table
The House and the Senate are working separately on budget proposals that each chamber expects to be released later this month. While work in the House has been amongst Republicans […]
Dead bill barring acceptance of Mexican ID card springs to life
Springtime ushers in new life, and a proposal that would prevent police departments and other governmental agencies from accepting a Mexican ID card is again moving through the process after […]
Lawmaker to take payday loan regulation to ballot
Despite her best efforts in the Legislature, and in spite of a deal she has struck with the payday lending industry on current legislation, a Tucson lawmaker says the businesses […]
State begins warrant process to execute first inmate since 2000
The Arizona Supreme Court received a warrant for execution April 2 from the Attorney General’s Office for Robert Comer, who was sentenced to die in 1988 for a violent crime […]
Governor signs bill extending tax deadline to April 17
Despite hitting a snag earlier, the Legislature finally sent to the Governor’s office a measure giving Arizonans one more day to file their income tax returns this year. The Legislature […]
State fines veterans home $5,250 for violations
State regulators have imposed a $5,250 civil penalty on the state nursing home for military veterans, an action stemming from a February inspection that found shortcomings of care at the […]
Back-and-forth ID theft bill ultimately goes nowhere
Last-ditch efforts to give Arizona residents a tool against identity thieves fell short last month as the proposal faced too many legislative obstacles. At one point it seemed it was […]
Lawmaker supports pay raise for teachers; state employees
Raise for workers? Chuck Foy, political director for CWA Arizona State Council, appears at the Capitol April 4 to lobby for a pay increase for state employees. Rep. Jackie Thrasher, […]