Lawmakers meet with vets to address homelessness
A small group of lawmakers met with veterans on April 5 to get a closer look at the problem of homelessness. For an hour or so, legislators listened to the... […]
Fighting drought, growth
Bills allow local governments to restrict development; help areas pay to augment water supplies
Secretary of State pulls Social Security numbers from site
The Arizona Secretary of State’s Office yanked Internet access to documents containing the Social Security numbers of Arizonans on March 30 just hours after a privacy rights activist told officials... […]
Limiting access or keeping order?
Growing number of state lawmakers restrict reporters during floor sessions
Arizona educators, students, get C-plus for use of technology
Arizona students lag behind their national counterparts in access to technology, a new report has found. Only 39.5 percent of Arizona’s students have a computer in their classroom, compared with... […]
Stay back 20 feet: State sets rules for new law on indoor smoking
New state rules to implement a voter-approved law direct places of employment, restaurants and other public places to prohibit smoking at least 20 feet away from most entrances. State officials... […]
Legislature unanimously approves fingerprinting bill
Arizona charter schools face a $1,000 fine for violating state fingerprinting requirements under a measure approved by the Legislature April 4. The bill, H2041, sponsored by Rep. Mark Anderson, R-18,... […]
Inconsistent application of Prop. 100 triggers legal action
Arizona Chief Justice Ruth McGregor on April 3 ordered a series of legal changes to address revelations that the effects of a successful 2006 initiative forbidding bail for suspected illegal... […]
Harper’s line of questioning angers many during Veteran Home hearings
Not so fastAlan Stephens, a top aide to Governor Napolitano, reacts to Sen. Jack Harper, R-4, co-chairman of a joint House-Senate committee that took testimony on problems with the Arizona... […]
Students rally to demand lawmakers put more cash into financial aid
Rootin’ tootin’ protest Joaquin Rios (center), an Arizona State University junior, holds a sign sounding the rallying cry of a student march that called on lawmakers to increase funding for... […]
EPA says Phoenix’s air too dirty, state must act or feds will
The federal government says the Phoenix area’s air violates a clean-air standard because of unhealthy levels of dust, an expected step that gives Arizona until the end of the year... […]
‘No new taxes’ idea fades
Aim was once to stay out of red; now it’s to expand government’s reach