Governor orders review of veterans nursing home after agency head resigns
Patrick Chorpenning The head of the Arizona Department of Veterans’ Services has resigned in the wake of an inspection that found shortcomings in care provided by the state’s nursing home... […]
Veteran Home to retrain staff
The state nursing home for military veterans has told federal regulators that the facility is retraining staff and taking other corrective steps in response to critical inspection findings. But veterans... […]
Dormant desalting plant at Yuma tested
A plant built to remove salt from highly saline irrigation runoff has sat idle in Yuma for more than 14 years after only a nine-month run. But worries over a... […]
Payson to punish employers that hire illegal immigrants
Gloria Anaya doesn’t know if the four Mexican men who work in her Payson restaurant are illegal immigrants. But under a new ordinance recently passed by the town council, Anaya... […]
Bill Status: House Bills as of 12:45 pm March 28
1. Awaits House committee reference or action. 2. Cleared Rules comm; needs House debate &/or vote. 3. Passed House no amendment. TO SENATE 4. Passed House amended. TO SENATE 5.... […]
Bill Status: Senate Bills as of 12:45 pm March 28
1. Awaits committee reference or action in the Senate. 2. Cleared Rules comm; needs Senate debate &/or vote. 3. Passed Senate; no amendment. TO HOUSE 4. Passed Senate amended. TO... […]
Groe to enter rehab ‘as soon as possible’
‘I am ashamed’ Rep. Trish Groe, flanked by her husband and lawmakers, tearfully announced at the Capitol March 27 that she will take a 30-day leave from legislative duties. A... […]
Senate panel kills initiative bill; sponsor says it may return in ’08
Opponents said it would restrict citizens’ rights
Senate panel OKs workers’ compensation increase
Senators gave injured employees a boost by approving in committee an amendment that would result in an increase in workers’ compensation by about $300 a month for two consecutive years.... […]
Combating ID theft faces legislative hurdles
Legislation giving Arizona residents the right to freeze their consumer credit reports in an effort to combat identity theft has received overwhelming support in the Senate, a clear sign that... […]
Lawmakers express outrage over possible release of illegal immigrant in fatal drunk driving accident
Judge revokes bond set by court commissioners