3 female senators each top $100,000 in campaign coffers
Heading toward election season, three women senators each report having raised more than $100,000 in private campaign contributions, and a fourth woman candidate is aiming toward collecting that kind of […]
Not all Republicans on board with GOP budget package
It took 128 days, but Republican lawmakers have released a budget proposal and work has begun to move the package through the process, with committees in both the House and […]
No exemption from AIMS for high school seniors
Judge schedules July hearing on education funding issue
Libertarian says politics clouding immigration issues
As Republican leadership in the Legislature struggled this week to present Governor Napolitano with an immigration package she will sign, a gubernatorial candidate says the issue has become far too […]
Democrat senator to switch parties after term
With the exception of being in the same party as the governor, being a Democrat in the Arizona Legislature is akin to being politically impotent. At least that’s how Sen. […]
Republicans mulling 3-pronged approach to illegal immigration
Governor Napolitano has said she won’t sign a state budget unless it is accompanied by a comprehensive immigration plan she agrees with, a move that has rankled some Republican lawmakers […]
Up Close with Rep. Tom Boone, appropriations chairman
Tom Boone heads half of the House’s two-headed approach to appropriations, chairing the Appropriations B Committee. A former superintendent of the Deer Valley Unified School District, the District 4 Republican […]
Key lawmakers oppose increased funding for Phoenix medical school
UofA medical dean says physician training rate lowest in the country
Munsil endorsed by most GOP legislators
With the primary election four months off, Republican candidate for governor Len Munsil has the support of more than half of his party’s legislators, according to public endorsements and an […]