Democrats take issue with blog comments
Cheuvront denies remarks about Hispanic leadership
Mormon lawmakers view immigration differently in Arizona, Utah
Jesus, a prominent Republican lawmaker says, would enforce the immigration laws currently on the books. Further, says Rep. Russell Pearce, R-18, abiding by those laws is a tenet of his […]
What’s the ‘poop’ at the Capitol≠
Agency spends thousands dealing with pigeon droppings
Tucson Republican named to Clean Elections panel
Secretary of State Jan Brewer has announced the appointment of a new member to the Citizens Clean Elections Commission to replace Clark Dierks, who recently resigned due to health concerns. […]
Upclose with Len Munsil, GOP gubernatorial candidate
‘I’m in this to win,’ Reagan conservative says
Major payday loan reform put off to next year
Major reform of the payday lending industry appears to have gone by the wayside this session, as a bill to restrict how such lenders interact with military members will not […]
Marriage initiative brings gay official to Phoenix
Log Cabin Republican president urges bipartisan opposition to proposed constitutional amendment
Liddy e-mail led to failed defamation suit
The following e-mail was sent by Tom Liddy on July 16, 2004, in response to a communication from a constituent upset about comments made by Mr. Liddy to The Arizona […]
Governor concedes on tuition tax credit, but Republicans still bristle over last year
Governor Napolitano’s announcement she will allow a corporate tuition tax credit program to become law without her signature in order to foster a working relationship with Republican lawmakers on upcoming […]