The strength of hunter and angler voices in methane debate
It is time for the oil and gas industry to take a cue from our responsible practices as hunters and anglers, and for the current administration to use all its tools to enact strong methane solutions that will benefit our country for generations to come.
On the Colorado River, growing concern for trout and chub
Key Colorado River reservoirs Lake Powell and Lake Mead are both only about one-quarter full. The continued drop, due to overuse and an increasingly arid climate, is threatening the fish and the economies built around them.
Hunting and fishing: rights or privileges?
If you want to fish at Fossil Creek, north of Payson, you’ll need to follow a particular set of regulations, put into place by the Arizona Game and Fish Department.
But opponents to Proposition 109 say all hunting and fishing regulations in Arizona will be jeopardized if the proposition passes in November. The measure's backers say that's not the case, that they're just trying to cons[...]