She is the one who knocks
The commission meeting opened with an address from Reagan, who expressed concern with the proposal. Reagan told the commission that there’s a place for Clean Elections in Arizona and that, in order to respect the will of the voters who approved the Clean Elections Act, it’s her duty to work with the commission.
Clean Elections Commission delays vote on ‘dark money’ rule revisions
The Citizens Clean Elections Commission will hold off for two months on approving a proposed anti-dark money rule so the public can consider changes that strips out what many opponents viewed as its most onerous provision.
The perils of political speech and advocacy
A troubling and dangerous narrative has developed with regard to organizations like the Arizona Free Enterprise Club that engage in the full contact sport of politics and political advocacy. That narrative is that we should either shut up or be singled out.
Code Red for Arizona’s public schools
If K-12 education funding in Arizona were a patient brought into the trauma center, it would be a “code red” situation. K-12 education funding in Arizona is in dire straits. Arizona public school budgets have suffered deep cuts, so deep that teacher vacancies can’t be filled because both new and experienced education professionals choose not to work in Arizona.
State revenues continue to rise
After years of incessant cuts, Arizona might be on the verge of shifting the budget discussion following months of robust revenue collections.
Corp Comm splits, approves solar fee hike hearings
Disregarding the recommendation of an administrative law judge, the Corp Comm last night voted to move forward with a hearing on APS’s application for a solar fee increase instead of waiting for the utility’s 2016 rate case.
Tonto National Forest supervisor postpones action on horses
Tonto National Forest Supervisor Neil Bosworth has postponed any action regarding the horses on the Salt River for at least 120 days.
Secretary of State to oppose Clean Elections rules in person
Secretary of State Michele Reagan plans to bring her opposition to a new reporting rule for campaign spending directly to the Arizona Citizens Clean Elections Commission.
Recreational marijuana supporters claim legalization will benefit education
Supporters of recreational marijuana brought out teachers, parents and school board members on Wednesday to argue that legalizing the drug is good for education.
Ducey shutters governor’s energy office
Gov. Doug Ducey has disbanded the Governor’s Office of Energy Policy and transferred its remaining employees.
Recipes for sausage-making
Former Clean Elections Commissioner Louis Hoffman responded to the Arizona Chamber of Commerce's suggested revisions to the commission's proposed "political committee" rule with some changes of his own.
State offering 2-month amnesty plan to late taxpayers
Do you owe tax payments to the state? Or did you just “forget” outright to file income tax returns in one – or more – prior years? The state is making it worthwhile to come clean.