

Gov. Doug Ducey
Jun 2, 2017

Wrap up with Doug Ducey

In the end, Gov. Doug Ducey got nearly everything he wanted – slightly more money for teachers, a huge university bonding plan and several controversial education programs like universal vouchers and performance funding for schools.

Feb 11, 2013

Tax-reform pledge takers becoming a dwindling breed

The pledge that for years has been a holy grail of anti-tax conservatism is dwindling in popularity at the Copper Dome.

Only 11 lawmakers, including just one of 17 Republicans in the Senate, have signed the Americans for Tax Reform’s Taxpayer Protection Pledge. Only two of the 14 new Republican lawmakers this session have signed.

Jun 13, 2011

Keep to the right: Does tea party politics mean yesterday’s conservative is today’s moderate — or a statesman?

Months after the red wave from last November, with the tea party gaining steam both in the streets and at the Capitol, some veteran conservative legislators are doing a double-take at where they now stand in their caucuses.

And for some, having a party morph around them, and seeing perceptions shift from “staunch conservative” to “moderate statesman” isn’t necessarily a welcom[...]

May 3, 2011

Brewer’s vetoes draw ire from conservatives

Gov. Jan Brewer’s vetoes might have solidified her position to govern from the center-right, but it’s drawing ire from conservatives.

Apr 22, 2011

The era of conservatism — more or less

Fiscal hawks who took the reins of the state government this year promised a new era of conservatism and delivered where it mattered most — by drafting a spending plan that rejected gimmickry in favor of significant cuts to core government services.

But the aftershocks of 2010’s Republican tsunami were also felt elsewhere, and this Legislature’s Tea Party leanings became the refra[...]

Mar 25, 2011

Capitol Quotes: March 25, 2011

This week's most outstanding quotes.

Aug 20, 2010

Senate foes quibble over who is more conservative in LD6

The Senate race in Legislative District 6, one of the Valley’s most conservative enclaves, best illustrates the ideological wrangling within the Republican Party.

May 27, 2010

Capitol Quotes: May 28,2010

“Unfortunately, in my naiveté, I put my signature on those forms.” — Robert Green, a candidate for the District 7 Senate seat who was decertified by the Citizens Clean Elections Commission for dozens of bad $5 qualifying forms. Green said the forms were collected by a volunteer.

May 24, 2010

Mills hits Brewer on public campaign funding

Republican gubernatorial candidate Buz Mills is making Gov. Jan Brewer's public campaign funding an issue but mixes up the money involved.


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