

Mar 27, 2019

Pima County tax hike proposal gets Senate panel’s approval

HB 2109 would empower the Regional Transportation Authority to seek a full penny when it asks voters in the next few years to extend the levy.

Mar 26, 2019

Former AG revs up initiative to end ‘dark money’

Armed with volunteers and 15 months until a deadline, former Attorney General Terry Goddard launched a new bid Tuesday to end "dark money'' anonymous donations to Arizona political campaigns.

Mar 26, 2019

Arizona charter school legislation appears dead

bill imposing new rules on Arizona charter schools is likely dead for the year after House Speaker Rusty Bowers declined to move it forward, saying it doesn't have enough support to pass.

Arizona charter schools oppose more state regulation
Mar 15, 2019

Arizona Senate backs charter oversight legislation

Republicans in the Arizona Senate voted Thursday to impose new rules in charter schools over the objections of Democrats who said the legislation doesn't do enough to end problems.

Mar 13, 2019

ERA measure debated in Senate, fails to advance

Republican state senators today rejected an effort by the chamber’s Democrats to vote to ratify the Equal Rights Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

Mar 6, 2019

Senate passes new restrictions on initiative circulators

Republican senators voted Wednesday to impose new requirements on initiative circulators in a way one Democrat said is designed to make it easier for special interests to quash future ballot measures.

abortion, Planned Parenthood, 15 weeks, Lake, Hobbs, Masters, Kelly, Ciscomani, Engel, Lake, Hobbs, election, debate
Feb 20, 2019

Hearing on fetal resuscitation bill used to demonstrate ‘our different world views’

A bill seeking to repeal a 2017 law requiring life-saving measures for fetuses delivered alive failed to pass out of the House Judiciary Committee today, an outcome predicted by the bill’s sponsor long before two hours of debate that she sought to avoid.

Proposition 123, Ducey, Supreme Court, school trust fund, special election, Michael Pierce
Feb 18, 2019

Key Republicans compromise on sales tax hike for education

Three Republican lawmakers have reached a consensus on a plan to ask voters to raise a sales tax for education funding.

Feb 14, 2019

Mesnard: Ducey’s tax conformity depends on Dems

Sen. J.D. Mesnard told the Arizona Capitol Times that Ducey is in for a long and bumpy ride this legislative session after the governor vetoed a bill, backed by all but one Republican lawmaker, to offset estimates of higher tax collections this year by roughly $150 million or more.

Feb 13, 2019

Republicans vote to expand voucher program, revamp oversight

Republican senators advanced a bill that would expand eligibility for Arizona’s school voucher program and strip oversight of those vouchers from the newly elected Democratic head of the Department of Education.

Feb 8, 2019

Former Arizona AG Grant Woods says he won’t seek U.S. Senate seat

Woods announced his decision on the Bruce and Pamela show on KTAR News 92.3 Friday morning.

Feb 7, 2019

Five reasons Trump should build the wall himself

Abraham Lincoln famously observed that “a house divided against itself cannot stand.” Well, neither can a house without walls.


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