
Goldwater Institute

Mar 11, 2010

Ballot measure would ban ‘taxpayer money’ for political campaigns

The system that allows Arizona residents to use government money to campaign for political office is teetering after a federal judge ruled earlier this year that a major component of the scheme is unconstitutional. Many powerful special interest groups, nonetheless, are hoping to deliver the knockout blow at the ballot box this fall, rather than wait for it to collapse on its own.

Mar 9, 2010

Burns’ debt measure approved by committee

Senate President Bob Burns' plan to rehabilitate the state from its addiction to borrowing has been approved at the committee level.

Mar 4, 2010

Burns proposes new controls on state borrowing, debt repayment

Senate President Bob Burns said he will propose a ballot measure to cap the state's ability to take on new debt. First, he wants to remove the debt limitation in the Arizona Constitution, which is $350,000. That limit has been in place since the state's founding in 1912.

Mar 1, 2010

Burns wants debt genie back in the bottle

Senate President Bob Burns is working on legislation to cap the state's ability to create new debt, but he said he hasn't worked out all the details.

Feb 25, 2010

Bennett backs campaign reporting requirements, stiff penalties

Arizona's elections chief says the state needs to overhaul a portion of its campaign finance laws to maintain an informed electorate after the nation's top court gave corporations the ability to pay for political advertisements.

Feb 22, 2010

High court chooses precedent over direct impact 

Judges don't often tell defendants that their actions were wrong and permissible at the same time. But the Arizona Supreme Court lately has tended to say, "You can do that this time, but never again."

Feb 10, 2010

Bills involving transparency include plan to put local government spending online

Requiring local governments to post records of all financial transactions online would make officials better stewards of the public's money, a state lawmaker contends.

Jan 20, 2010

Federal judge strikes down matching funds; appeal imminent

Arizona political candidates who chose to run their campaigns with public money might have made a foolhardy decision.

Jan 11, 2010

Renewable energy bills could force constitutional showdown

A pair of bills designed to upend the Arizona Corporation Commission's requirement on renewable energy could force a court battle over whether the Legislature has the power to tinker with the commission's decisions.

Dec 30, 2009

New budget solution: Deal with it next year

This year's budget problems might just become next year's nightmare. Lawmakers hacked $650 million from the state's deficit during the final two months of 2009, but the shortfall still tops $1.4 billion.

Dec 20, 2009

Brewer’s office: No word on regulatory reform

Eleven months after vowing to slash regulations on Arizona businesses, Gov. Jan Brewer still isn’t saying what existing regulations she will strike down.

Nov 16, 2009

Lawmaker, experts push idea of competition to provide electricity in Arizona

Opening Arizona to competition by companies providing electricity could lower rates and give providers more incentive to act wisely when considering investments on infrastructure, experts told a group of state lawmakers Nov. 12.


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