AZ needs courageous leaders, not rescuers, saviors
We don’t need rescuers and saviors to address homelessness and the housing crisis. We need courageous leaders who will listen to those with lived experience and people on the front lines. We need to implement evidence-based best practices and proven solutions.
Take care when sweeping property of unsheltered
These people living in the streets are our neighbors, and we have a duty to treat them like neighbors. Trash and waste can be thrown away. Things that are broken can be replaced. But human lives that are lost on the streets of our city cannot be brought back.
Transitional housing still effective as programs fade away
Although the number of people who have found themselves homeless has increased nationally, transitional housing programs are giving way to emergency shelter, even though many homeless agencies believe that transitional housing is effective in combating homelessness.
The Breakdown: Fun with funds
Affordable housing advocates scored a win this legislative session after lawmakers voted to reverse a decade-long trend of capping the state Housing Trust Fund’s budget.
Jodi Liggett
Jodi Liggett has taken on the challenging task of representing Planned Parenthood's interests in Arizona, but her experience in tackling poverty, domestic violence, homelessness, and women’s reproductive health and rights runs deep.
New Capitol area restaurant on mission to rescue
The new Mission Possible Cafe is owned and operated by Phoenix Rescue Mission, which is using the restaurant to give clients who are transitioning from addiction or homelessness essential job experience in food service.
Advocates say ending Arizona’s veteran homelessness is in reach
Arizona advocates say eliminating veteran homelessness is within reach, and Phoenix has already reached “functional zero” veteran homelessness.
Arizona homelessness fell 30 percent since 2010, national report says
The number of homeless people fell nearly 30 percent in Arizona in the last six years, outpacing the decrease nationwide in the same period, according to report Thursday from the Department of Housing and Urban Development.
Poverty rates fell in Arizona last year, still among nation’s highest
Arizona saw a “significant” drop in its poverty rate last year, but that rate still hovered well above the national average, according to numbers released Thursday by the Census Bureau.
A home then a job: United Way Project Connect sets up homeless for a place to live
The tens of thousands of homeless Arizonans can have a hard time forming an official identity. Often with no address, minimal records and spotty memory of family or personal history, it borders on impossible for these individuals to find a job or a residence.
Overflow shelter will stay open until February
The overflow homeless shelter near the Capitol will remain open at least until February 2017, despite an earlier plan to begin phasing it out this month.
Arizona, New Mexico tribes share in veterans housing funds
Tribes in Arizona and New Mexico are sharing in more than $1.1 million in federal funding to help address homelessness among veterans.