
Maricopa County Superior Court Judge

Lake, Richer, Maricopa County, lawsuit, election
Nov 30, 2023

Judge denies Lake’s access to review ballot affidavit envelopes’ signatures in her election contest

A Maricopa County Superior Court judge denied former gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake access to inspect signatures on 2022 ballot affidavit envelopes to support her ongoing election contest.  

the Zone, Phoenix, homelessness
Oct 3, 2023

Judge denies Phoenix’s request to suspend order to clear out homeless encampment

A Maricopa County Superior Court judge denied the City of Phoenix’s request to suspend the order requiring the city to clear out the homeless camp “the Zone” by the beginning of November while the city appeals. 

campaign ads, Citizens Clean Elections Commission, commercials, TV, billboards
Sep 22, 2023

Citizens Clean Elections Commission striving to make sources of political commercial funding more visible

The Citizens Clean Elections Commission is moving to ensure the next time you see a political commercial you won't have to guess who really is paying for it. More to the point, you won't have to squint or speed read.

Horne, lawsuit, English language immersion, SEI, Mayes, Hobbs
Sep 7, 2023

Horne files suit to get court to rule schools not using ‘structured English immersion’ violating law

Hoping to force the issue, state schools chief Tom Horne filed suit late Wednesday to get a court to rule that any school that doesn't use "structured English immersion'' to teach students who are not proficient is violating the law.

the Zone, Phoenix, homelessness
Jul 11, 2023

Judge must decide timeline for Phoenix to clear out homeless camp

A Maricopa County Superior Court judge is now tasked with deciding the timeline for the city of Phoenix to clear out the 800 or so people living in the homeless camp, “the Zone.”

The Zone, Phoenix City Council, outdoor campground, ACLU, lawsuit
Jun 29, 2023

Phoenix to buy outdoor campground for homeless

The Phoenix City Council approved a proposal by the Housing Department to purchase and develop a structured outdoor campground to temporarily house people currently living in the homeless camp known as “the Zone.” 

Lake, ballots, Maricopa County attorneys, election contest, ballot affidavit envelopes, public records
Jun 26, 2023

Judge declines to dismiss Lake’s bid for access to ballot affidavit envelopes

A Maricopa County superior court judge declined to dismiss Kari Lake’s public records bid for access to ballot affidavit envelopes today.

the Zone, homeless, homelessness, City of Phoenix, appeal, court order
May 1, 2023

City of Phoenix to appeal ruling compelling it to clear out homeless encampment

The City of Phoenix filed notice it would be appealing a ruling compelling the city to clear out the homeless encampment known as “the Zone” by July and filed a motion to stay the ruling amid the appeal.

Nov 10, 2017

AG reaches settlement with group accused of filing frivolous suits

A deal between the Attorney General's Office and a group advocating for the disabled will keep them from filing new lawsuits against Arizona businesses -- at least in state court.


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