Payson has next Arizona redistricting hearing
The state redistricting commission's road show of its draft congressional and legislative maps continues Wednesday evening with a public hearing in Payson.
Republicans cry conspiracy over redistricting
Republicans are really mad about redistricting. An approved draft (as in preliminary) congressional map strengthens the chances of Democratic incumbents Gabby Giffords and Raul Grijalva, both of whom narrowly won re-election last year. Republican freshman David Schweikert and Ben Quayle, on the other hand, appear to be on a collision course and could face each other in the primary in 2012. And Rep[...]
GOP redistricting complaints based on politicians’ self-interest
After the latest round of attacks and counter attacks by Republican and Democrat party leaders over the alleged unfairness of the draft congressional district map proposed by the Independent Redistricting Commission, I went back to read the actual requirements for redistricting in the Arizona Constitution.
IRC completes rough draft of legislative map
After a pair of rare weekend meetings, the Arizona Independent Redistricting Commission completed a rough outline of 30 “placeholder” legislative districts and is hopeful that it will vote on a final draft map today.
Proposed congressional map has candidates searching for most favorable district
While Republicans denounce Arizona’s proposed congressional map, politicos on both sides of the aisle are eying the new opportunities it provides, and two GOP incumbents are preparing to fight each other for their political survival.
The districts are subject to change as the Independent Redistricting Commission begins a 30-day round of public hearings on the map. But based on the cu[...]
Dems fire back at GOP criticisms of IRC by filing records request with Horne’s office
The Arizona Democratic Party today filed an extensive records request with Attorney General Tom Horne’s office, hoping to find evidence that his investigation into possible open meeting law violations by the state’s redistricting commission is part of a coordinated Republican effort to besmirch the group and its work.
Republicans rip redistricting commission’s draft congressional map
Gov. Jan Brewer and other Republican officials are criticizing a draft congressional redistricting commission approved by a state commission for use in elections in the coming decade.
Legislative map now focus of redistricting commission
Arizona's redistricting commission starts work in earnest Wednesday on a draft legislative map.
Another one of life’s unsolved mysteries
The constitutional language that governs the IRC is very clear that the panel cannot draw its maps with the homes of incumbents or candidates in mind, but some railbirds were left scratching their heads after seeing that the IRC draft congressional map made significant changes that directly affected a handful of incumbents and candidates.
Horne says he could seek removal of redistricting commissioners
Attorney General Tom Horne said today that he could seek the removal of the state’s redistricting commissioners as a result of his investigation into whether they violated open meeting laws in June.
IRC fills ‘doughnut’ hole, but finds trouble with Mesa
The Arizona Independent Redistricting Commission will spend the weekend studying proposed changes to its congressional map to see if it can retain a competitive district in the Phoenix area without carving Mesa into three separate districts.
Keep Arizona’s growing rural communities whole
For the past four months, the Independent Redistricting Commission has worked to balance the wants, needs and desires of the residents of Arizona. The problem is that Pinal County — Arizona’s fastest growing county — is being used as the bargaining chip to satisfy other constituencies.