

Sep 28, 2020

Wearing N95 masks prevents infection

We should consider this pandemic a baby trial run knowing that a much bigger monster is on the horizon. Anti-biotic resistant bacteria will inevitably break out before long, expected to kill over 10 million per year by 2050. And, another more lethal virus, perhaps a mutation of Covid19, is certainly waiting out there.

May 4, 2020

Stepping out of the COVID19 lockdown in Arizona – when and how

Governor Ducey’s “Stay Home, Stay Healthy, Stay Connected” order to mitigate the COVID19 pandemic has dramatically “flattened the curve,” reducing spread and protecting our hospital system and health care professionals. But, the order was set to expire April 30. As Arizona looks toward re-opening, it is important to consider how we re-enter without jeopardizing the gains achieved by a mo[...]

Apr 28, 2020

Coronavirus antibody research still work in progress

A move by the University of Arizona to test 250,000 Arizonans for COVID-19 antibodies comes as scientists are still debating how much protection against future infection a positive result means -- and, more to the point, for how long.


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