Teachers, schools would benefit from renewing, expanding Prop. 301
As the Arizona superintendent of public instruction, I have traveled around the state three times on my annual “We Are Listening Tours.” These tours give fellow Arizonans the opportunity to... […]
House Republican leader: Teachers get second jobs to buy boats, enjoy finer things in life
Teachers in Arizona are getting second jobs not because they’re struggling to survive on their low pay, but because they want to enjoy the finer things in life, like boats, according to House Majority Leader John Allen.
Chamber chief faces firestorm for calling teachers’ union ‘crybabies’
The head of the Arizona Chamber of Commerce waded into a storm of criticism after calling the teachers’ union “crybabies” for asking for pay raises.
Education advocates say Ducey’s teacher retention plan won’t cut it
According to a study by the National Education Association, the average salary for an Arizona teacher in 2016 was $45,477, lower than all but four other states
Ask your school board, not me
AZ Schools Now, the coalition of education groups that asked Ducey on Monday for a four percent across-the-board pay raise for teachers, is likely out of luck.
Top teachers call for 4 percent pay boost rather than 0.4 percent
Calling the governor’s salary hike proposal perhaps worse than nothing, the top teachers in Arizona want Gov. Doug Ducey to spend all of his new education dollars for a pay hike rather than spreading the cash around.
Arizona earns praise for teacher training database, despite pay concerns
Arizona won praise in a recent report for its program linking preschool teachers with training and scholarships, even as the report said low wages for those teachers could make such systems an exercise in futility.
Arizona teacher survey: Use Prop 123 to raise salaries
Some Arizona teachers want Proposition 123 money to be used to increase teacher pay, but the state’s two major teacher associations disagree over how the money should be spent.
Teacher pay, infrastructure, top priorities as schools prep for new funding
As the campaign gets under way to pass Proposition 123, school leaders are busy calculating their potential take and planning how to spend it.
Arizona’s teacher salaries rank among the lowest
If the ongoing political debates about education funding have not convinced you, a new study might: Arizona is the sixth worst place in the nation to be a teacher.
Higher pay key to solving teacher shortage
Research says that the quality of teaching is the No. 1 influence on the learning of children and will either advance them or hold them back. The Education Trust, a national research and advocacy organization says, “The caliber of teachers drives student success.”