Complaint alleges Sproul played a role
The complaint also alleged illegal coordination by GOP consultant Nathan Sproul, who worked for BLA during the campaign. Dybus accused Sproul of providing regular campaign advice to both BLA and Horne himself, and credited him with securing the $350,000 contribution from RSLC, which was co-founded by Republican operative Karl Rove.
Avoidance certainly is a popular media strategy
Fearing a deep and long-term divorce with Latino voters, Republican senators Kyl, Kay Bailey Hutchinson and Marco Rubio are engaging in private discussions to create legislation akin to the DREAM Act, Politico reported Friday.
Mystery poll shows Babeu support plunges to new low
A lengthy poll of GOP primary voters in CD4 earlier this month that has been quietly making the rounds shows that Babeu's support has crumbled.
Details on initiative counter emerge
More details have emerged on the attempt to create a legislative referendum to counter the one-cent sales tax increase initiative introduced by the Arizona Education Network and the Associated General Contractors.
Brewer consultant pitches his own Prop. 100 extension
Brewer has sidestepped taking a position on the pending ballot initiative that seeks to make the Prop 100 sales tax increase permanent, but the same can’t be said for those close to her. Multiple sources confirm that consultant Chuck Coughlin has been attempting to persuade lawmakers to introduce a referendum to compete against the Quality Education and Jobs Act, a tax increase proposed by the A[...]
Worsley: My actions will reflect my faith
Bob Worsley took full responsibility for the controversy he created when he removed – on the day he announced his LD25 candidacy – remarks that were harshly critical of SB1070 from his bio on the Church of Latter-Day Saints' website.
East Valley bigwigs rally around Worsley
Worsley’s campaign against Pearce has picked up some prominent East Valley support, according to a source close to the campaign. Wealthy Mesa developer Ross Farnsworth Sr. will be Worsley’s honorary campaign chairman, while developer Stacy Brimhall and activist Beth Coons will head up his finance committee.
Team-building under way in LD25
Campaign teams in the Pearce/Worsley race are already taking shape. Though Pearce opted to have Arpaio consultant Chad Willems run his campaign during the recall last year, he will go with Constantin Querard this year. Querard ran Pearce’s 2010 campaign and was expected to handle the recall, but instead he formed an independent expenditure committee that took shots at Lewis.
Operation: Population Deviation
As noted in yesterday’s report, Tobin’s basis for a constitutional challenge to the IRC’s legislative map will be that the panel impermissibly deviated from the ideal population for each district to pack Republicans in fewer districts and spread Dems into more districts.
All that was missing was a blood oath
The unusual display of loyalty isn’t surprising, said Pearce backer Constantin Querard. “He’s the real deal. We always talk about these people who are willing to step up no matter what the consequences are, but we speak of them as if they are hypothetical or historical figures. Russell is that guy. I don’t know if he’d be so popular with the base if he wasn’t so hated by the opposition[...]
Quayle responds to criticism
Quayle said accusations that he stole a Dem congressman’s jobs bill are “absurd” and “ridiculous.” He said U.S. Rep. Jim Himes’ (D-CT) HR1965 and his own HRHR4088, also known as the Capital Expansion Act, which passed two weeks ago as part of the JOBS Act, are substantially different.
Babeu tells reporters he will sue ABC15
The Maricopa Monitor March 16 reported that Babeu said he is likely to sue ABC15 for its February report on Babeu’s tenure at a Massachusetts boarding school that was eventually shut down for allegations of abuse of students.