Critic says Clean Elections initiative ‘defective’
Critic says Clean Elections initiative 'defective'
Busting the myth that Prop 123 should have been a cinch
Busting the myth that Prop 123 should have been a cinch
A rose by any other name would still smell as sweet
As Prop 123 clings to a narrow lead, the campaign for the K-12 funding measure has been consistent in its message that it expected the lead to hold and that it didn’t matter how close the race was, as long it passed.
Oh, boy
As the Capitol Times reported yesterday, Gowan has pulled the plug on a planned “civil rights conference” on the House floor that would have been hosted by anti-illegal immigration activists with some radical views on who deserves the credit for African Americans’ fight for freedom and civil rights.
Source: SolarCity CEO negotiated yesterday’s deal
Source: SolarCity CEO negotiated yesterday's deal
Solar, utilities to abandon scorched earth fight
Numerous sources this afternoon said the rooftop solar industry and the utilities, led by APS, are standing down to avoid what many consider to be nuclear options, which, depending on whose side prevails, could be catastrophic for the losing party.
Us versus them
In an email on Friday, the Arizona Chamber of Commerce asked members to weigh in on whether it should oppose and work to defeat three proposed ballot measures that it... […]
Under S1516, some candidates are more equal than others
Under S1516, some candidates are more equal than others