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Stephen Richer prefers boring, takes on Trump

[caption id="attachment_249370" align="alignnone" width="620"] Maricopa County Recorder Stephen Richer speaks at a press conference May 17 to defend his staff against “defamatory lies” spread as the Arizona Senate conducts its audit of the 2020 election. PHOTO SCREENSHOT[/caption] There’s a lot of unintentional irony surroun[...]

2024 Election News

Arizona Supreme Court asked to address nearly 100,000 voters made ineligible by new law

PHOENIX – The Arizona Supreme Court is being asked to decide whether close to 100,000 registered voters can cast a ballot in upcoming state and local elections. A pair of lawsuits being filed today ask the justices to decide how the state and counties must deal with the fact that there is no evidence that close to 2.5% of all vo[...]

Top Stories

Groups sue officials to remove illegal voters from rolls

Unhappy with the response to its queries about possible illegal voters, an Arizona group that has claimed election irregularity in the state is now suing all 15 county recorders, accusing them of failing to do their jobs to ensure that only citizens are voting. The new filing Sept. 4 by Strong Communities Foundation of Arizona con[...]

Illegal Voters
2024 Election News

Democrat running as ‘firewall’ in county recorder race

When Maricopa County Recorder Stephen Richer lost his re-election bid in the Republican primary on July 30, many in Arizona were surprised. But the Democrat running to replace him was not.  Tim Stringham, who ran unopposed in the Democratic primary for recorder, stayed mostly in the background while three Republicans duked it out[...]

Recent news

Court keeps names of low-level election workers secret

Members of the public aren't entitled to know the names of election workers who review the signatures on ballot envelopes, a judge ruled Thursday. We The People, an organization that has aligned itself with Kari Lake, had sought the information from Maricopa County since January 2020. The group said it wanted to conduct further in[...]


Court dirt could become mud to sling in Senate campaigns

With ad blitzes impending and court dates orbiting closer to key election dates, court proceedings revolving around senate candidates Kari Lake and Ruben Gallego stand to reveal information that could be readily leveraged for attack. Lake defaulted in a defamation lawsuit brought by Maricopa County Recorder Stephen Richer over the t[...]

2006 Political Almanac

Attorney points to Richer’s fundraising as proof Lake did no harm

Kari Lake is advancing a new legal theory why she doesn't owe anything to Stephen Richer for the defamatory statements she made about his handling of elections: His 2024 bid for a new term as Maricopa County recorder is doing just fine financially despite all that. Attorney Tim La Sota, who is representing her in the defamation case[...]

Lake, Hobbs, gubernatorial, debate, Ask Me Anything, Hobbs, Chandler

Kari Lake concedes defamation lawsuit brought by fellow Republican

Maricopa County Recorder Stephen Richer’s defamation suit against former gubernatorial and current Senate candidate Kari Lake is ending in a default judgment in Richer’s favor and an award of damages to be determined by the court after Lake bowed out of defending the suit Tuesday.     Attorneys for Lake failed to file an ans[...]

Lake, Richer, Maricopa County, lawsuit, election
Top Stories

Arizona expects to be back at the center of election attacks. Its top officials are going on offense

The room sits behind a chain-link fence, then black iron gates. Guards block the entrance, which requires a security badge to access. The glass surrounding it is shatterproof. What merits all these layers of protection is somewhat surprising: tabulating machines that count votes in Arizona's Maricopa County. The security measures ar[...]

An election official sorts mail ballots at the Maricopa County Tabulation and Election Center in Phoenix, Tuesday, March 5, 2024


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