Chris Silavong//July 25, 2016//[read_meter]
Tempe artist cooks meals and fashions robot sculptures for a cause
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Amid budget negotiations dominated by talks of pay raises for K-12 teachers, some Arizona trade schools got a [...]
June 4, 2018
After years of going seemingly unnoticed at the state Legislature, the Arizona State Schools for the Deaf and [...]
As K-12 curricula moves into the 21st century, Arizona will kick-start a new initiative to train teachers how [...]
A Phoenix nonprofit aiming to open 25 A-rated charter schools serving students in the city’s urban core by 2[...]
With Arizona's 2018-2019 state budget now signed by the governor, I wanted to clearly explain how the 20-p[...]
Arizona has seen a steady decline of manufacturing jobs spanning decades, but hopes are a boom in automotive r[...]
February 26, 2018
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The Arizona Corporation Commission reaffirmed its decision to allow Arizona Public Service to impose[...]
Effective Jan. 1, cities can no longer charge sales taxes on residential rentals.
President-elect Donald Trump said Wednesday that he's picking Kari Lake as director of Voice of Amer[...]
Gov. Katie Hobbs will have a pool of two judges and three high-ranking government attorneys to choos[...]
The state's high court on Dec. 4 agreed to narrow the ability of those not directly involved in lega[...]
The Arizona Corporation Commission voted 3-2 to allow formula ratemaking on Tuesday after a marathon[...]
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