Recent Articles from Arizona Capitol Times Staff
Capitol Quotes: September 7, 2012
This weeks most outstanding quips, gibes and utterances.
Capitol Quotes: August 17, 2012
This weeks most outstanding quips, gibes and utterances.
Capitol Quotes: August 10, 2012
This week's most outstanding quips, gibes and utterances.
Capitol Quotes: August 3, 2012
This weeks most outstanding quips, gibes, and utterances.
Arizona Army National Guard soldiers to deploy to Afghanistan
The Arizona National Guard is sending some of its soldiers to Afghanistan to help advise and assist police forces.
Capitol Quotes: July 27, 2012
This week's most outstanding quips, gibes and utterances.
Capitol Quotes: July 13, 2012
This week's most outstanding quips, jibes and utterances.
Capitol Quotes: June 22, 2012
This week's most outstanding quips, gibes and utterances.
Arizona high school graduation rate improvement among best in nation
WASHINGTON – Arizona high schools have increased their graduation rate by 24 percentage points in the past decade, the biggest increase in the country, according to a national report released Friday.
Navajo official says EPA rules threaten jobs at San Juan plant and mine
WASHINGTON – More than 300 Navajo Nation jobs are at stake because of “excessively stringent and expensive” regulations the Environmental Protection Agency has proposed for the San Juan power plant, a tribal official testified Wednesday.
Arizona colleges among few moving toward ‘competency-based’ learning
WASHINGTON – Rio Salado Community College and Arizona State University were cited Thursday as schools that are taking tentative steps toward “competency-based education,” which recognizes student mastery of subjects rather than the number of hours spent in a classroom.
Fairbank Commercial Company
The Fairbank Commercial Company was a 19th century emporium that thrived as long as the town thrived.