Recent Articles from Arizona Capitol Times Staff
Capitol Quotes: 2011 Session Wrap
The most outstanding quotes of the whole session.
Small named Arizona News Service editor
Jim Small, editor of the Yellow Sheet Report, has been named Arizona News Service editor. In his new position, Small will be responsible for overall editorial content of Arizona Capitol Times,, Yellow Sheet Report and Arizona Legislative Report.
Capitol Quotes: April 15, 2010
This week's most outstanding and noteworthy comments.
Valley voices: economic development
Three experts talk about what the Valley needs to boost the economy and get the engines of economic development revved up again.
Capitol Quotes: April 8, 2011
‘You can imagine how much pot has to be smoked for us to get $10 million in (sales taxes).” — Sen. Andy Biggs, on estimates medical marijuana sales taxes would bring in $10 million in fiscal year 2012.
Capitol Quotes: April 1, 2011
‘I think Arizona would not be in the top 10.’ — Former Intel CEO Craig Barrett, saying Intel would not consider Arizona as a site for investment if it had to start anew.
Tucson’s Arizona Pool Room
Business was good at the Arizona Pool Room when this photograph was taken about 1912.
Capitol Quotes: March 18, 2011
“My first impression is, ‘Wow.’” — Rep. Bob Robson, R-Chandler, reacting to the Senate’s budget proposal.