Recent Articles from Guest Opinion
Arizona poised to win in new economy if we invest wisely
Make no mistake about it. The race to win in the new economy is competitive and it has already begun. Arizona is poised to be a winner in this race if we take advantage of what we have and invest wisely. What ABOR has proposed is to use this investment to put ASU to work for Arizona and win the race.
We’re Ready to Act Now to Protect our Air, Water and Land for Generations to Come
When I ask people what they like most about living in Arizona, it’s unusual to get a response that doesn’t mention the environment. Sure, there’s always the “I don’t like to shovel," but more often I get “It’s a darn beautiful place,” “My wife and I, we like to hike” or “What’s wrong with you, haven’t you felt the sun and seen the mountains?”
Step therapy takes health out of health care
We all agree, health care costs must be managed. But to overlook the word “health” in providing health care removes all purpose. Rep. Nancy Barto is sponsoring HB2410, which will establish transparency, efficiency and fairness in patient health care through necessary reforms to step therapy protocols.
McSally’s history with truth questionable at best
I’d like to address the claims in Sen. Martha McSally’s recent op-ed on the “truth.” Ok. Let’s talk about the truth.
Arizona needs balanced approach to renewable energy policies
It is time to move away from a polarized approach to renewable energy. Fortunately, Arizona businesses understand that a balanced approach to major policies facing the state is possible.
Writer’s claim Arizona schools more segregated now than in ‘50s, ‘60s wrong
In 1994 (when AZ passed open enrollment and charter school laws) 59% percent of Arizona public schools had 70% of their student body from a single race or ethnicity. During the 2017-18 school year (the most recent available) that statewide percentage had dropped to 41%. Arizona students are less rather than more racially isolated in their schools today than in 1994.
Mother’s criticism of schools voucher program is not valid
Hearing a mother with a child who has special needs rail against the Empowerment Scholarship Account program (hypocritically, the very program she uses to take $40,000 in education funding every year for her child) can not go unanswered by the thousands of us Mama Bears who also use ESAs and also have children with special needs.
Investment in engineering could reap massive economic benefits
There is a good reason to place our faith in engineers. They are designers. They take what hasn’t been done yet and turn imagination into something real. They are, in their own way, artists who see things most of us do not see and who have creative talents not everyone is so fortunate to possess.
Arizona’s budget must reflect our water challenges
There’s no doubt that our water challenges are myriad and addressing them will require a range of solutions. But funding the department, returning it to satisfactory staffing levels and providing competitive salaries for employee retention is an essential part of the path forward.
School choice has caused segregation worse than 50s, 60s
It is a shame that in the name of “school choice” public schools in Arizona have reversed decades worth of equality. For a state that has over a $1 billion in our rainy day fund and over $700 million in excess revenues, additional funding for schools based on poverty and special education, just like results-based funding, is critical. This additional funding will not reverse the troubling tren[...]
America’s Renewable Energy Future Limited by Onerous Regulations
In recent years, a number of states and the federal government have been working to increase the amount of renewable energy in America’s power grid. Unfortunately, progress has been slow. For example, when it comes to harnessing offshore wind power, only a single project off Rhode Island has been installed to date in U.S. coastal waters.
Dual-language learning builds path for academic success
Providing dual language instruction is not cheap or easy. Any district undertaking such an endeavor needs to be well prepared for the challenges. But those who do will find, as we and Helios did, that the benefits for our children are well worth the time and investment.