Recent Articles from Guest Opinion
Arizona’s budget must reflect our water challenges
There’s no doubt that our water challenges are myriad and addressing them will require a range of solutions. But funding the department, returning it to satisfactory staffing levels and providing competitive salaries for employee retention is an essential part of the path forward.
School choice has caused segregation worse than 50s, 60s
It is a shame that in the name of “school choice” public schools in Arizona have reversed decades worth of equality. For a state that has over a $1 billion in our rainy day fund and over $700 million in excess revenues, additional funding for schools based on poverty and special education, just like results-based funding, is critical. This additional funding will not reverse the troubling tren[...]
America’s Renewable Energy Future Limited by Onerous Regulations
In recent years, a number of states and the federal government have been working to increase the amount of renewable energy in America’s power grid. Unfortunately, progress has been slow. For example, when it comes to harnessing offshore wind power, only a single project off Rhode Island has been installed to date in U.S. coastal waters.
Dual-language learning builds path for academic success
Providing dual language instruction is not cheap or easy. Any district undertaking such an endeavor needs to be well prepared for the challenges. But those who do will find, as we and Helios did, that the benefits for our children are well worth the time and investment.
Arizona can do right thing, become 39th state to ratify ERA
Arizona has forfeited its opportunity to go down in history for a positive principle, but it can still do the right thing and ratify the ERA this session to become #39.
Legislature should restore discretion to impound cars to police
The ability to impound a vehicle for the driver driving on a suspended license was a tool that truly kept our communities safer. Without it, we and our families are all just a little more at risk.
Investment in autonomous vehicle industry could reap 75K jobs
As we embark upon a new decade, it’s hard to miss the technological advances happening all around us. Arizona in 2020 is a state ripe with investment in cutting-edge technology, one where entrepreneurship is thriving and the breakthroughs of tomorrow are happening right in our own backyard.
No time to relax, competitive forces fiercer than ever
We are asking for this investment from the state. We accept the assignment. And we will deliver.
Child deaths preventable with greater transparency of agencies
It is too late for the baby taken to the Phoenix morgue last week. It is too late for the thousands of children in our nation’s child protection system who have already died on the state’s watch. But it is not too late to save the lives of children going forward by making it a priority to require agency transparency including immediate, independent investigations. The state’s fatality repor[...]
Backward land legislation infringes on personal property rights, shortsighted
Rep. Mark Finchem and Sen. Sonny Borrelli have taken a backward and myopic view of our shared public lands, while at the same time directly infringing on the rights of private landowners. That’s no small accomplishment.
State LIHTC can help meet rental housing market’s spiking demand
When it comes to constructing rental housing for these new residents, the law of supply and demand very much applies in our state. When developers cannot construct new rental units quickly enough to meet the needs of these new Arizonans – and estimates show that Arizona needs to add about 240,000 new rental units this decade – the marketplace dictates that rents rise. The greater the rise in [...]
Lawmakers should not spread misinformation about vaccines
Protecting people from getting sick should be the definition of an uncontroversial idea. Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem like our state legislators agree.