Recent Articles from Guest Opinion
Booming economy brings jobs, a vibrant lifestyle, to Arizona
In just a few years, new business and higher education centers have emerged downtown along with many more housing and entertainment options and a soon-to-be-completed new grocery outlet in the center of the city. In cities across the state, the downtown area no longer goes dark after 5 p.m., but is a place where people live, work and socialize throughout the day.
Gov. Ducey sticks to spirit of merit selection, shuns partisanship
Misleading or factually inaccurate attacks on merit selection undermine the public’s confidence in the judiciary. Ducey’s appointments have been the least partisan and the most diverse of any governor, Democrat or Republican.
Arizona’s U.S. House members should oppose minimum wage bill
I urge my representative, Democratic U.S. Rep. Ann Kirkpatrick and neighboring Democratic district representatives, U.S. Rep Tom O’Halleran and U.S. Rep. Raul Grijalva, to oppose raising the federal minimum wage to $15 an hour. Arizona employees, business owners and their local communities will thank them for it.
To let independents into party primaries would spoil choice
There is a reason the Los Angeles Dodgers don’t get to pick the starting pitchers for the Arizona Diamondbacks when they play against them.
South Phoenix in a David against Goliath struggle for survival
The old saying, “Nobody can fight city hall,” does not apply to members of “Building a Better Phoenix.” We have decided to fight City Hall on August 27. Vote Yes on Proposition 105 and deliver a knockout blow to government waste and insensitivity to the little guy.
Hiring school counselors can’t wait
In Arizona, help for our schools can always wait, it seems. A 903-1 student-to-counselor ratio is an emergency. The consequences of delay could be tragic. Our state's response requires more urgency than "wait until next year."
ERA ratification signifies vote for family
The ERA is our nation’s conduit to everyone – male and female – reaching full human potential. The injustice to women and families stops here and now, when we raise our voices in unison and compel lawmakers to ratify the ERA. Let freedom ring and equality reign.
Democrats in Congress are not serious about ending border crisis
We are on an unsustainable path that we cannot continue. I will be introducing legislation in the coming weeks to address the border crisis and fix the loopholes in our immigration laws. I hope my Democrat colleagues will join me in ending this crisis once and for all.
Opioid crisis fix attracts foreign counterfeit pharmaceutical drugs
Based on our counterfeit opioid drug crises, it’s important to “know your source” when it comes to your medication and beware of advertisers offering large discounts on foreign prescription drugs. Lawmakers and citizens should be skeptical of any proposals to “legally” allow the foreign importation of prescription drugs into the U.S. and placing Americans at risk.
Both sides of school choice debate lose sight of best interest for kids
The political fight over School Choice - Arizona’s Empowerment Scholarship Accounts seem to never end. The latest battle continues over a small group of Navajo children, who needed the Education Savings Accounts to attend a school in New Mexico just over the Arizona state line.
America’s Energy, Tech and Defense Future Needs Mining
As the recent trade war with China has escalated, Beijing has implied that it may retaliate by withholding rare earth minerals. Such a strategic vulnerability – and America’s alarmingly high reliance on imported minerals and metals – is now in the spotlight for all the world to see.
Don’t fall for scare tactics, falsehoods on Medicare for All
In U.S. Rep. Debbie Lesko’s June 5th, 2019, article, she stated "Medicare for All strips away health care freedom." However, just the opposite is true. People will have freedom to choose their doctor with no networks to worry about, fear of bills they cannot pay, or going into bankruptcy. Everyone benefits, seniors on Medicare, those with employer-based insurance, those with pre-existing con[...]