Recent Articles from Guest Opinion
Like perfect pie, preparation crucial to successful grassroots effort
Solutions require a lot of different minds addressing the problem for a lot of different reasons. Recognize when you’re facing a “golden moment”–a time and place where everyone wants to see the same outcome, even if they weren’t working for the exact same reasons or in the exact same way. If the problem is addressed, recognize that as a win. You don’t all have to attend the same victor[...]
Commercial real estate industry secures major wins in 2018 session
The biggest victory was a grand compromise on GPLET (Government Property Lease Excise Tax) reform. A unanimous deal was struck between developers, cities and tax watchdogs on the long-term retention of the 8-year property tax abatement and narrowing the application in the future to a capped land mass contained in a central business district (CBD) within a city. HB2126 passed virtually unanimously [...]
Congressman Gosar wrong on immigration – he’s no John Adams
That access to counsel is one of the hallmarks of a free country. John Adams, before he was president, became a target for ridicule after he defended British soldiers charged in connection with the Boston Massacre. He knew that the rule of law would be a farce if people facing serious government action couldn’t have counsel. He lost half his clients and endured popular scorn to do the right thin[...]
Raytheon’s high-tech, high-wage jobs have positive effect on economy
Raytheon Missile Systems is proud to call Arizona home. We’ve helped to make the world a safer place for more than 60 years. Cutting the ribbon to expand our Arizona footprint is a win not only for southern Arizona, but also for the entire state and this great nation.
It’s imperative: Prepare students for tomorrow’s jobs today
For Arizona, investing in computer science education is more than an economic imperative. It is an opportunity imperative. And our legislators can now seize that opportunity to build critical capacity among our educators and new career pathways for our students. Together, we can ensure that our students are prepared for success today and the jobs of tomorrow.
Police need to learn difference between soliciting and canvassing
Let’s be clear. Canvassing is not soliciting. Still, many remain confused over the difference between the two, including the Phoenix Police Department.
Let’s continue to help small businesses, the backbone of our economy
With pro-business, pro-job creation, and pro-worker policies already being implemented over the course of the last year and with many more on the horizon, the future for small business in America is looking bright. Hopefully, plans to derail the progress burn out before coming to fruition.
Arizona has enough wealth to meet its needs — with new revenue
I’m happy to see the conversation finally turning to revenue. I hope that you will join me to keep the pressure on your representatives to do what needs to be done.
Bipartisan English Language Learner bill puts students first
Discussions at the Capitol surrounding public education have largely been about funding — and with good reason. But too often these conversations turn into partisan talking points, and students are the ones who pay the ultimate price. Yet there is a piece of legislation that serves as an example of what can happen when lawmakers and community members come together.
Bill will allow peaceful neighborhoods to be destroyed
When I purchased my home in Phoenix 35 years ago, I picked a neighborhood where my kids could play, where my wife and I could sit outside in our front yard on spring evenings and enjoy the chatter of children and wave hello to passing families out for a stroll.
It’s time for real financial plan for Arizona schools
Today, Arizonans are excited to fuel higher pay for teachers and all the other educators who support our students. Instead of pretending we can move forward without new funding, our leaders should establish a dedicated and sustainable way to pay for what we value so highly.
Student to Ducey: ‘You are refusing to support students’
Please, Gov. Ducey , do not allow for my peers to believe that their Governor has left them behind. And do not allow me to represent a Governor that will not support education.