Recent Articles from Guest Opinion
Climate skeptics have valid reasons to question manmade warming
Many people are actively worried about global warming. And it frustrates them that skeptics and “deniers” refuse to acknowledge the “science” of such an urgent, manmade problem.
Time has come to modernize the nation’s obsolete air traffic control system
Like so much of our nation’s critical infrastructure, our country’s air traffic control system is obsolete. For the two million Americans and thousands of Arizonans who fly every day, the failure to modernize the way we fly has real consequences.
ACLU report targets charters for same practices followed by school districts
Affluent families could afford to buy homes in expensive neighborhoods with high-quality schools. As for everyone else, we were at the mercy of our local district school. Students stuck in failing schools had no escape.
Now is perfect time to help foster kids and get a tax benefit, too
The Arizona Foster Care Tax Credit reduces your state income tax obligation $1 for every dollar you give to Aid to Adoption of Special Kids (AASK) or other qualifying Arizona foster care organizations. That means when you give AASK $100 now, you will get that $100 back in the form of a lower state income tax bill. The tax credit limits are $500 for individuals and $1,000 for a couple filing a join[...]
Numerous studies have found that dental therapists provide safe, effective care
In a recent commentary in the Arizona Capitol Times, representatives of the Arizona Dental Association and the Arizona Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons questioned a proposal to expand the availability of dental providers by licensing highly trained dental therapists. The commentary’s writers called the use of dental therapists an “experiment” — an odd way to describe a profes[...]
Opportunity now for Tom Forese to be a true market conservative
I have always supported Tom Forese, even if I have not always agreed with him. As a state lawmaker Tom Forese was a champion of free markets, where he advocated for deregulation that enabled ride-sharing companies such as Uber and Lyft to compete in our economy. I was disappointed, however, to see Mr. Forese stray from conservative principles during his time at the Arizona Corporation Commission.
Passing comprehensive tax reform is vital for Arizona businesses, families
Our federal tax code is long overdue for a complete overhaul – it has saddled businesses with some of the world’s highest tax rates, deprived families of their earnings, and served as an obstacle to the growth of the national economy.
Seize the moment to get more services for the most seriously mentally ill
Arizona has an historic public health opportunity to use 93 acres of state-owned, deed-restricted land in the heart of Phoenix to create a 21st century psychiatric center of excellence. As always, the devil is in the details.
Health insurance tax needs congressional action soon
My independent and local pharmacy has five employees, meaning the HIT will add an estimated $2,500 to our health care costs next year.
Utility regulator should not undercut Arizona’s energy efficiency leadership
State action may threaten about 40,000 jobs in Arizona’s energy industry, but those jobs aren’t ones that immediately come to mind. Instead, the 40,000 jobs – more than coal, wind, solar, oil and gas combined – are in energy efficiency.
Sexual harassment not the problem, cultural shift from patriarchy needed
As allegations of sexual harassment continue to flood into society, let’s be clear that sexual harassment is not the problem but the symptom. The problem is patriarchy in which women are defined as less than men; in which the disease – power imbalance – is what causes the symptoms i.e. domestic violence, rape, sexual harassment, infanticide, femicide, prostitution, etc.
Don’t be fooled by tax proposal rhetoric
Upon closer examination, it is evident that the proffered benefits of the tax plan are based on extremely rosy projections of double-barreled economic growth, accruing from massive tax breaks to major corporations and the upper one percent.