Recent Articles from Guest Opinion
Nurses are playing a more prominent role in providing safe, quality care
Nurses exist to help patients – that’s our top priority. So, when we look at the state of health care in 2017, it’s through the lens of whether it is getting easier or harder for patients to access the care they need. The answer is, it’s a mixed bag. Arizona nurses are playing a more prominent role in providing safe, quality care. But not all of the news is good; uncertainty swirls around [...]
Beyond the noise: health care’s journey to clarity
It may sound ridiculous to remind everyone that we only have one body, with many parts. Yet we’ve created a system of health care that serves distinct parts carved out from each other – mind, body, teeth. This fragmentation has created a maze of confusion.
Repeal and replace offers way out of ACA’s limited choices
Our state has already enabled innovative care models, such as Direct Primary Care practices and Health Care Sharing Ministries. By lifting the regulatory burdens that create barriers to health care choice, these models have met the needs of thousands in Arizona, and the number of participants is growing annually.
Congress needs to do its job – renew funding for children’s health insurance
Called KidsCare in Arizona, CHIP now covers more than 23,000 children across our state. It has helped bring the rate of Arizona children with health insurance to a historic high at 92.7 percent. Instead of celebrating, families have been thrown into uncertainty as the fate of their children’s health care hangs in the balance.
Rural hospitals continue to provide quality care, despite facing challenges
We must pay more to attract physicians and specialists who may otherwise prefer to work in the Phoenix or Tucson areas. Personnel expenses now account for 75 percent of our total operational costs, and we have been recruiting for another primary care physician to join our team for the past two years.
Disdain for tax system reason enough to cheer on reformers
When it comes to modernizing and simplifying our nation’s archaic tax codes and reducing tax burdens on citizens’ businesses, it seems that “perfect” may be getting in the way of “very good.” This is a common theme in Washington and one of the reasons why most of us see Congress as never getting anything done. But cutting taxes and simplifying the code also seems like a no-brainer to t[...]
Frontlines of dental care show tremendous need in Arizona
In a recent article titled, “Dental therapist proposal to get new hearing before lawmakers,” Arizona Capitol Times readers heard from legislators that they do not believe we have a dentist shortage here in Arizona, despite overwhelming evidence, and federal reports, to the contrary.
Closing the Navajo Generating Station comes with disastrous consequences
Citing the costs of complying with federal environmental regulations and responding to the declining prices of natural gas, the Navajo Generating Station's owners voted earlier this year to take the facility offline about 25 years ahead of schedule. Those same factors have driven the closures of many coal-fired electricity generating plants nationwide.
Children attending school outside assigned boundaries the new norm
For decades, our state has been a national leader in education freedom – the radical concept that parents know their own children best and should be empowered to select a school for them that is the right fit. The movement has flourished. Consider public charter schools, where enrollment is booming and reached a record 185,000 students statewide this year.
EPA cuts threaten Arizona’s natural water supply and air quality
The power is in our hands as citizens to influence change, and if we use it to contact our elected officials and voice our opposition, we can work toward a future where our health and safety are adequately protected. The beauty of Arizona, and the health of its residents, is being severely threatened. It’s up to us to take a stand. Please join us in this fight and call today.
Argument that pot is gateway drug is rooted in ‘reefer madness’
Prohibitionists refuse to have a legitimate conversation about the costs and benefits of legalizing a substance far safer than alcohol. Instead, they prefer to lie and lie again
To feed Arizona’s starved public school system takes money, leadership
Arizona’s schools are starving, and the leadership within our business community is telling them, “Go eat cake.” Starvation won’t kill our schools all at once, but Arizona’s schools are gradually wasting away for want of less than one added penny.