Recent Articles from Guest Opinion
We have made Arizona teachers ‘test prep robots,’ ‘slaves to the test’
AzMERIT scores are in, and schools are being issued grades based on how their students performed on a test taken six months ago that measured math and English language skills. Teachers across the state are running for cover, hoping and praying their students fared well on these high stakes tests. Some will celebrate while others will wonder if they will lose their jobs. But all still must teach.
KidsCare vital to Arizona families, funding needs to be reinstated
Unlike other states, Arizona law says KidsCare will be frozen the day federal funding drops below 100 percent. Arizona is one of 12 states in the country whose CHIP program is paid for entirely by the federal government, which was a major reason we were able to get KidsCare reopened. Over 22,000 children from working Arizona families are now covered through KidsCare, showing us just how needed a p[...]
Congress should say yes to Trump’s tax proposal, no to skinny reform
Over the next few weeks and maybe months, you’ll hear much discussion of this bold proposal. Let’s not let Congress pass skinny tax reform. Any one of these measures would be great but we need to tell Congress to get their act together and pass it all.
In the end, Arizona must speak with one voice
Coming to agreement on how best to marshal the state’s water resources and to create sustainability for future Arizonans is among the toughest challenges that leaders in our region can take on. Arizona has chosen to act now. We are opting to improve on the work of previous generations of state leaders to ensure that the word “crisis” remains banished from Arizona’s water lexicon.
ABWC represents members’ needs in complex water environment
It will take all parties working together to develop common ground solutions that will protect all of our water interests into the future. Arizona has long been recognized in the West as a leader in water policy. ABWC is playing an important role to ensure that leadership continues well into Arizona’s future.
CAP – Ready to meet today’s water challenges
Gov. Doug Ducey's current, hurried water policy process bears little resemblance to the proven formula for development of sound, nonpartisan water law in Arizona. Much of the focus of these invitation-only gatherings appears intent on merely criticizing (and silencing) CAP, not on resolving honest differences of opinion and developing a consensus solution to the critical issues facing us today.
‘LOCK’ in on addressing future water challenges
We are at the crossroads regarding additional looming challenges including drought, especially drought on the Colorado River; where our next “buckets” of water will come from; and who will be the next generation of champions who provide the vision and courage to make extremely tough decisions about Arizona’s water future.
Unifying Colorado River policy to avoid water shortage
Collaboration is often touted as key to Arizona’s successes in water management, and it is. We just forget how messy, cantankerous, and difficult collaborating can be. We are seeing it again this summer as the state wrestles with Colorado River and groundwater issues in a stakeholder process led by Gov. Doug Ducey.
Arizona water policy requires continued vision and leadership
Was this just a brief respite from 20-plus years of drought, or are we finally at the end of the latest 20- or 30-year dry cycle and ready to start the next wetter period? We don’t know the answers to those questions yet.
Preserving Arizona’s remaining rivers, streams, springs
For those of us that do not follow the intricacies of water policy, we are left asking basic questions, such as how to deal with drought and climate change? How do we manage growth and economic development opportunities sustainably to support future generations? And importantly, how can we ensure that Arizona’s last remaining rivers, streams, and springs are preserved, not just for future genera[...]
It’s simple, really: Arizona’s economy is tied to water
Many of us take our water supply for granted, yet as water becomes scarcer it is more important than ever to be clear who speaks for the diverse interests and people of Arizona. Efforts are moving forward to avert a potential crisis for Arizona due to the declining reservoir levels on the Colorado River – these are very important to manage water scarcity in the short term.
Let’s protect the Colorado River, and the lives that depend on it
The Colorado River Indian Tribes are seeking to protect the life of the river and potentially the lives that depend on it. Any leasing of our water beyond our borders, as other tribes have done, is complex and challenging. Yet, there could be many opportunities for mutual gains for water users in the state of Arizona and economic gains for our people.