Recent Articles from Guest Opinion
Students struggling to read can’t be dismissed – they’re a crisis we must address
If we really want to improve education in Arizona, if we really want to improve Arizona’s economy, helping struggling readers is where we need to start. It’s an issue that impacts every Arizonan. Ultimately, we are all in this together. Struggling readers are not “those kids.” They are Arizona’s kids, and they are our future.
Air Traffic Control’s No. 1 job is safety; creating separate nonprofit unwise
The case for a privatization or corporatization of U.S. air traffic control remains to be made. FAA is charged by some privatization advocates as being too “risk-averse.” I don’t know about you, but when I’m sitting in a chair, in the sky, I like risk-averse.
Mexico, NAFTA top priorities for historic Arizona trade delegation
Trade with Mexico is a vital piece in growing our economy and brings with it employment for tens of thousands. As leaders focused on doing what’s best for Arizona businesses, we will continue to advocate for regular trade delegations to Mexico to foster constructive relationships and enhance pro-growth policies.
McCain and Ducey know Cassidy-Graham health plan another danger to Arizonans
Ducey should know this bill would mean a reversal on his promise and McCain understands that without engagement with Democrats and stakeholders in the health care world, this proposal offers the same failed plan just with a different name. Parents and grandparents, people with disabilities, seniors and working adults, hospitals and physicians all reject this misguided approach. Arizona leaders s[...]
Rescinding DACA was wrong decision
Republicans and Democrats in Congress must come together quickly to pass a permanent legislative solution to give these young hard-working individuals a chance to remain in the only country they have ever known.
Value of public land includes beauty of nature, sustained economy
I ask all Arizonans to join me in contacting your members of Congress, our two U.S. senators, and the governor. Ask them to stand strong against this attack on our public lands and to keep these important land and cultural and natural resource protections in place. Say no to carving up these national monuments for the profit of a few short-term special interests.
Phoenix travelers deserve much-needed air traffic control reform
Change is hard. But this decision is easy. We should not wait until the system is hopelessly broken before we act to fix it. Tell your local member of Congress to vote YES on the 21st Century AIRR Act.
Remember workers and gains of organized labor
Since its earliest days the labor movement has sought to improve the quality of work life, create workplace democracy and participate in employer/employee decision-making. The many benefits and protections workers enjoy today never existed until unions won them for working people.
Sen. Barto should reconsider her stance on repealing ACA
As a health care professional caring for medically underserved children and families here in Arizona, I am especially concerned about Senator Barto’s call for continued efforts to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act (ACA).
Killing DACA is a ‘violent white supremacist priority’
Nov. 9, 2016, was a day when many people in the United States felt stunned and lost. I was one of those people, but my circumstances were a bit different. As a recipient of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, my future and my family’s seemed like a dark cloud of escalated deportations and hopelessness as we imagined everything we had fought so hard for being taken away.
Tough childhood, opportunity to give drives Sinema to run for charities
One week before the race, Gabby Giffords was shot. I immediately knew I had to do something to help. I sent an email to my friends, asking them to donate money or blood to the Red Cross to help the victims of the shooting. The response was overwhelming.
Lawyers help others with free or reduced legal services
The cost of legal services can be daunting, and even in our most urban settings, approximately 20 percent of our residents live at or below the federal poverty level. That percentage is often higher in rural areas. This population, however, is particularly vulnerable when faced with legal issues involving basic necessities of life.